E-file User

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e-file FAQ - User profile's section

Page's last update : 20 Dec 2024

Initial Setup

How can I get credentials ?
1. Ask your local e-file administrator to create an account for you
2. As soon as it is done, you will receive an e-mail from infoechg@bourse.lu, click the link to create your password
Mail from infoechg@bourse.lu.png
Account recovery.PNG
I forget my password
Use the 'Forgotten password' button on the home page
My data is not up to date
Follow the Onboarding page

Submitting a report

I want to send a 'ready to send' report
You can send it through the Transmission module.
I want to create a report
Some reports can be filled and sent via an e-file form, see the Report Generation module.
I have lots of reports to send
We offer an automated solution called the Sending Service.
Talk to your local e-file administrator or IT team.

Being informed / Monitoring

I want to know my sends' status
The Transmission Monitoring module is designed for.

I want to receive notifications by e-mail
You can find a video tutorial here which summarise the below process

Step 1  : Connect to e-file with your user credentials : https://www.e-file.lu/e-file/

Step 2  : Select Update my profile
Select Update my profile.png

Step 3  : Select Customize your notifications.
Customize your notifications.png

Step 4  : Select the relevant group.
Select group555.png

Step 5  : Select the Alert type.
The changes are automatically saved upon click. No further validation is required.

Optional Step 6  : Receive only your alerts and not the whole group's ones.
Ticking also the group box, the sends from other users of the same reports' group will be ignored.
Alerte Notification.png