Instruments details

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Revision as of 15:13, 19 September 2024 by Cso (talk | contribs)
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Page's last update : 19 Sep 2024

Instrument Details.PNG

Instruments Details / Actor and Instrument

Select an actor and an instrument at the top left of the screen


Instruments Details /Contact, notification and profile

Picture444 2.png

Instruments Details / To start a search

  • Select an instrument
  • Choose a search parameter (name or codification)
  • Select the desired instrument level (not mandatory)


Instruments Details / To search by Name

  • Enter a value in the white cell to find all results available in the database containing that name
  • Select the desired instrument level (not mandatory)


Instruments Details / Filter

Click on select a filter to refine the search


Instruments Details / Global view for a selected instrument




Instrument details / Hierarchy

Link to the fund tree view

Instrument Detail-H445.png

Instruments Details / Data available

All data type are available on the main page

  • Click on + to open a specific section


Instrument Details / Copying information

All information can be copied by navigating on the line and with a single click


Instruments Details /Third parties data type

The third parties data type shows every actor involved in the fund (Currently available at Fund and Sub-fund levels)

  • Click on + to open a specific section
