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=Select template=
=Select template=

Latest revision as of 10:16, 4 February 2025

Page's last update : 04 Mar 2025


Your module is greyed out?

To get access, please ask your e-file local administrator to make you member of the Fundamental Data Form group.
Registration and distribution matrix is greyed out.

Why is the CSSF code missing?

Filing codes have to be provided to our static data team so that they can be mapped to the correct ISIN/Instrument. The provision of the CSSF codes lies with our customers or their service providers (e.g. the fund's central administration)

Select template

5After SelectTemplate.png

AfterPoint1.png Click on the arrow highlighted in yellow in the top left hand corner of the page to open the drop-down list to select the TEMPLATE AfterPoint2.png

Filter functions


AfterPoint1.png Click on the FILTER button AfterSDMFilter.png on the right side of the screen. A toolbar (highlighted in yellow) opens where you can narrow your search options by specifying the AfterPoint2.png STATUS of the instrument (e.g. active and public).

AfterPoint3.png Click inside the toolbar highlighted in yellow. A drop-down list DATA FILTERS pops up where you can narrow your search criteria by selecting e.g. ISIN, CSSF CODE. Enter your ISIN, CSSF CODE in the dedicated search field (3a, 3b) and

AfterPoint4.png Press the SEARCH button or press ENTER.

AfterPoint5.png Press the RESET button AfterSDMResetButton.png to clear all fields and reset filters.

AfterPoint6.png If the SELECT ALL box is checked, all instruments of all management companies that are linked in our database to the ACTOR are selected.

AfterPoint7.png Display options

If the SHOW ONLY SELECTED button is green, only the selected instruments are displayed on the screen.
If the EXPAND ALL button is green, the whole tree structure (fund, sub-fund, share class) of the instrument is displayed.
If the SPREAD SELECTION TO RELATED INSTRUMENTS button is green and you select an instrument at fund level, the whole tree structure of the fund will be automatically selected.

AfterPoint8.png If you press the EXPORT button, all selected instruments with checked boxes will be exported in the file.

Export a file


AfterPoint1.png Press the EXPORT button

AfterPoint2.png The red notification indicates that one file is being generated or has been generated.

AfterPoint3.png Once that file is generated, a window pops up indicating The following report has been generated.

AfterPoint4.png Open the file that is available at the bottom of the page.

Import a file


AfterPoint1.png Press the FLOW-CHART button AfterSDMFlowChartButton.png. A small window pops up with two options: EXPORT and IMPORT. Select IMPORT.

AfterPoint2.png You have two options to upload your file:

- either you BROWSE your file system and select the file you want to upload
- or you DRAG & DROP your file directly onto the appropriate area AfterSDMDragDrop.png
NEW: Please be informed that new features have been added to the new e-file version of the Static Data Management application. You have now the possibility to upload several files at the same time.
In our example we uploaded two files:
ABC_2019_12_17_FDF.xlsx (cf. 2b)
XYZ_2019_12_17_FDF.xlsx (cf. 2a)

AfterPoint3.png You have two options to add the mandatory parameters TEMPLATE, ACTION, COMMENT

- either you select each parameter for each single file
- or you set all parameters via the SET BULK PARAMETERS AfterPoint4.png funcionality cf. screen below


Please ensure that you always follow the Fundsquare naming convention of the templates. The respective acronyms at the end of the file name are mandatory and they have to be preceded by an underscore. Please note that only .xlsx files are allowed to be imported.

FDF template: nnnnnnn_FDF.xlsx

MIFID template: nnnnnnn_MIFID.xlsx

PRIIPS template: nnnnnnn_PRIIPS.xlsx

Set bulk parameters


AfterPoint1.png If you check the SELECT ALL box and complete all mandatory fields in this sections, all mandatory fields of the two files we imported, will be populated automatically with the same parameters.

AfterPoint2.png Press the VALIDATE IMPORT PARAMETERS button.

Import confirmation


AfterPoint1.png Press the IMPORT DATA button.

AfterPoint2.png A window pops up indicating Your documents were received

AfterPoint3.png At the top of the screen a toast notification shows up confirming that the import was successful.

AfterPoint4.png The red notification with number 2 inside, shows you that 2 files have been imported.

AfterPoint5.png If you click on the exclamation mark, a drop down list with all imported files opens.

Furthermore, please be informed, that you will receive a notification by email with detailed information on your files you imported.


How to use FSQ IDs in the Fundamental Data Form (FDF)

In the following, we would like to explain you, how to use Fundsquare's internal identification numbers of instruments which are available in column 45, 46, 47 of the Fundamental Data Form (Id Fund, Id Sub-Fund, Id Share-Class).

(1) Modification of an instrument

If you modify an instrument the three FSQ Id must not be changed under no circomstances.

For example, if you want to change a sub-fund name, the new name must be reported in the appropriate cell. DO NOT CHANGE the FSQ IDs.

1 FSQ ID FDF.png

(2) Closure of an instrument

If you want to close an instrument, the appropriate cells in column 13, 24, 34 have to be completed with the closure date. DO NOT CHANGE the FSQ IDs.

1 FSQ ID FDF.png

Please note, that if you close a fund, the whole fund tree structure will be closed in our database.

If you close a single sub-fund, all share classes belonging to this sub-fund will be closed in our database.

(3) Creation of a new fund

To create a new fund, select a standard FDF extraction with the same fund structure (SICAV i.e..) and the same Law directive (P110 i.e..) as the new one you will have to create.

IMPORTANT: you must REMOVE all ID instruments from the cells in columns 45, 46 and 47 as they refer to a already existing instrument', and the risk is you replace the existing instrument.

2 FSQ ID FDF.png

(4) Creation of a new sub-fund

For example, if you want to add 3 sub-funds to an existing fund, you have to add 3 lines below the fund in the extraction template and complete the appropriate cells.

REMOVE Id Sub-Fund and Id Share-Class, but DO NOT CHANGE the Id Fund.

3 FSQ ID FDF.png

(5) Creation of a new share-classes

For example, if you want to add 5 share-classes to an existing sub-fund, you have to add 5 lines to the existing sub-fund structure in the extraction template. Complete all cells accordingly.

REMOVE Id Share-Class, but DO NOT CHANGE the Id Fund and Id Sub-Fund.

4 FSQ ID FDF.png

(6) Exception in column 28

In the case of share class creations, we would like to ask you, for internal processing reasons only, to delete all "Capitalisation" and "Distribution" words that appear in column 28.


How to complete the FDF

In due course, we will provide further information on this section.

Main Category Column Number Field Label Mandatory Field Definition Type of Data Field Format Format Constraints Business Rule
Third-Party Information 1 Promoter No Indicates the name of the Initiator/Sponsor of the fund including the country Company Name String char (100) N/A N/A
Third-Party Information 2 Management Company Yes Indicates the name of the Management Company of the fund including the country Company Name String char (100) N/A N/A
Third-Party Information 3 Investment Company Conditional cf Definition Indicates the name of the Investment Company of the fund including the country.
This field is mandatory if the fund is self-managed and no management company has been provided
Company Name String char (100) N/A N/A
Third-Party Information 4 Fund Administration Yes Indicates the name of the Administrator of the fund including the country. Company Name String char (100) N/A N/A
Third-Party Information 5 Transfer Agent Conditional cf Definition Indicates the name of the Transfer Agent of the fund including the country.
This field is mandatory for the Order Routing Data
Company Name String char (100) N/A N/A
Fund Information 6 Fund Name Yes Indicates the legal name of the fund Label String char (100) Is unique in Fundsquare's database (upper/lower case letters) N/A
Fund Information 7 Fund National Competent Authority Code No Indicates the codification used by the fund's domicile authority on fund level Codification String char (20) Is unique in Fundsquare's database N/A
Fund Information 8 Fund Administration Code No Indicates the central administration's instrument code at the fund level (AC internal code) Codification String char (20) Is unique at this level N/A
Fund Information 9 Fund GIIN Code Conditional cf Definition Indicates the Global Intermediary Identification Number of the instrument at the fund level
This field is mandatory for FATCA reporting
Codification String char (20) Alphanumerical: Char(6).Char(5).Char(2).Number(3).
Is unique in Fundsquare's database.
Has to be unique if not SP (Sponsor).
7th char = "."
13th char = "."
16th char = "."
Last 3 char = 442
14th&15th = SP
Fund Information 10 Fund RFI ID (CRS) Conditional cf Definition Indicates the Social Security Identification number at the fund level. Mandatory for CRS reporting Codification String char (20 or 22) Number(11) - Number(13) 9th char is a letter followed by 8 "0"
Fund Information 11 Type of EU Directive Yes Indicates whether the fund is an UCITS-fund or an AIF-fund according to european directives Indicator String char (6) List of values:
Fund Information 12 Umbrella Fund No Indicates whether the fund is an umbrella or not Indicator String char (3) Boolean: YES/NO N/A
Fund Information 13 Fund Creation Date Yes Indicates the date on which the fund is created/activated Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy If date > current date OR If no date = inactivated = anticipated creation (AC).
If date ≤ current date = activated = available for documents notification and dissemination (ACT).
Fund Information 14 Fund End Date No Indicates the ending date of the fund's activity (closing/liquidation date) Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy If Date ≤ current date = inactivated = not available for documents notification and dissemination.
available 1 year for reporting.
Fund Information 15 Fund Jurisdiction Country Yes Indicates the country where the fund is domiciled Legal String char (2) Code ISO2 The two first characters must be the same as the two first letters included in ISIN code.
For example: LU, GB, IE, etc.
Fund Information 16 Fund Legal Form Yes Indicates the legal form of the fund Legal String char (4) List of values:
"FCP" = FCP: Common fund
"SICV" = SICAV: Investment company with variable capital
"SICF" = SICAF: Investment company with fixed capital
"SICR" = SICAR: Investment company in risk capital
"OT" = OT: Securitisation entities
"SCA" = SCA: Partnership limited by shares
"SCS" = SCS: Limited partnership
"SCSp" = SCSp: Special partnership
"SA" = SA: public limited liability company
"OTH" = OTHER: Other fund
Linked/compatible with "Fund Legal Status"
Fund Information 17 Fund Legal Status Yes Indicates the legal status of the fund Legal String char (4) List of values:
"NLUX" = Non-LU-domiciled
"PA04" = Law 14 june 2004
"PA05" = Law 22 march 2004
"P110" = Part I 2010 law
"P210" = Part II 2010 law
Linked/compatible with "Fund Legal Form"
Sub-fund Information 18 Sub-Fund Name Yes Indicates the legal name of the sub-fund Label String char (100) Is unique in Fundsquare's database at this level (upper/lower case letters) N/A
Sub-fund Information 19 Sub-Fund National Competent Authority Code No Indicates the codification used by the fund's domicile authority at the sub-fund level Codification String char (20) Is unique in Fundsquare's database N/A
Sub-fund Information 20 Sub-Fund Administration Code No Indicates the central administration's instrument code at the sub-fund level (AC internal code) Codification String char (20) Is unique at this level N/A
Sub-fund Information 21 Sub-Fund GIIN Code Conditional cf Definition Indicates the Global Intermediary Identification Number for the instrument at the fund level.
This field is mandatory for FATCA Reporting.
Codification String char (20) AlphaNumerical:Char(6).Char(5).Char(2).Number(3).
Is unique in Fundsquare Database.
Has to be unique
7th char = "".""
13th char = "".""
16th char = "".""
Last 3 char = 442
Sub-fund Information 22 Sub-Fund RFI ID (CRS) Conditional cf Definition Indicates the Social Securities Identification number at the sub-fund level.
This field is mandatory for CRS reporting.
Codification String char (20or22) Number(11)-Number(13) The 9th character is a letter followed by 8 numbers.
The CSSF code should be retrieved in the last part of the ID (Ex: MATRICULE+F00000145).
With a maximum of 8 characters after the letter.
Sub-fund Information 23 Sub-Fund Creation Date No Indicates the date on which the sub-fund is created/activated Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy If date > current date OR If no date = inactivated = anticipated creation (AC).
If date ≤ current date = activated = available for documents notification and dissemination (ACT).
Ensure that the date is not greater then creation date of the fund.
Sub-fund Information 24 Sub-Fund End Date No Indicates the ending date of the sub-fund's activity (closing/liquidation date) Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy If Date ≤ current date = inactivated = not available for documents notification and dissemination.
available 1 year for reporting.
Sub-fund Information 25 Sub-Fund Base Currency Yes Indicates the ISO3-currency code for the base accounting currency of the sub-fund Currency String char (3) Currency ISO-3 RMB should be CNH or CNY
Sub-fund Information 26 NAV per Share Frequency Yes Notifies the frequency of the net asset per share calculation.
It must be the same for all the share classes that are included in one sub-fund.
Frequency String char (4) List of values:
YEAR = Annual
TWYR = Twice a year
TOWK = Twice a week
TOMN = Every two months
TWMN = Twice a month
WEEK = Weekly
DAIL = Daily
MNTH = Monthly
TRIE = Every four months
SEMI = Every six months
QURT = Every three months
MLTD = Multi-daily
NIMN = Every nine months
Sub-fund Information 27 Sub-Fund Sleeping Indicator No Indicates whether the sub-fund is sleeping or not Indicator String char (3) Boolean:YES/NO N/A
Share-class Information 28 Share Class Name Yes Indicates the legal name of the share class Label String char (100) Is unique at this level (upper/lower case letters) N/A
Share-class Information 29 Client Share Class Name No Indicates a client's name of the share class Label String char (100) Is unique in Fundsquare's database (upper/lower case letters.
Combined with fund & sub-fund labels.
Name available on Fundsquare website and client whitelabelling
Share-class Information 30 Share Class National Competent Authority Code No Indicates the codification used by the fund's domicile authority on share class level Codification String char (20) Is unique in Fundsquare's database The CSSF codes from 1 to 9 have to be written with two characters (01-02-03...)
Share-class Information 31 Share Class Administration Code No Indicates the central administration's instrument code at the share class level (AC internal code).
Share class ID used in the client's proprietary system (for NAV).
Codification String char (20) Is unique at this level N/A
Share-class Information 32 Share Class ISIN Code Conditional cf Definition Indicates the ISIN code of the share class.
This field is mandatory for Ucits-funds if the share class is activated (creation date)
Codification String char (12) Is unique in Fundsquare's database Ensure that the first two letters match to the fund juridiction country.
For Ucits Funds:If empty the share class status is inactivated (INA)
Share-class Information 33 Share-Class Ticker Bloomberg Code No Indicates the Instrument’s Bloomberg Ticker (code) Codification String char (20) Is unique in Fundsquare's database N/A
Share-class Information 34 Share Class Creation Date No Indicates the date on which the share class is created/activated Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy If date > current date OR If no date = inactivated & anticipated creation (AC).
If date ≤ current date = activated = available for documents notification and dissemination (ACT).
If UCITS and NO ISIN CODE then no creation date should be available.
Ensure that the date is not greater than creation date of the sub-fund
Share-class Information 35 Share Class End Date No Indicates the ending date of the share class activity (closing/liquidation date) Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy If Date ≤ current date = inactivated = not available for documents notification and dissemination.
Available 1 year for reporting.
Share-class Information 36 Share Class Reference Currency Yes Indicates the ISO3-currency code for the reference currency of the share class Currency String char (3) Currency ISO-3 N/A
Share-class Information 37 Share Class Dividend Payment Frequency No Indicates the frequency at which the dividends are paid Frequency String char (4) List of values:
YEAR = Annual
TWYR = Twice a year
TOWK = Twice a week
TOMN = Every two months
TWMN = Twice a month
WEEK = Weekly
DAIL = Daily
MNTH = Monthly
TRIE = Every four months
SEMI = Every six months
QURT = Every three months
MLTD = Multi-daily
NIMN = Every nine months
Yearly by default
Share-class Information 38 Share Class Result Allocation Yes Indicates whether income payment is distributed or capitalized or other Indicator String char (3) List of values:
Share-class Information 39 Share Class Sleeping Indicator No Indicates whether the share is sleeping or not Indicator String char (3) Boolean:YES/NO If blank, then N by default
Share-class Information 40 Institutional Investor Type No Indicates whether the instrument is reserved for institutional investors or not Indicator String char (3) Boolean:YES/NO If blank, then N by default
Share-class Information 41 Initial Launch Price No Indicates the initial launch price of the instrument Number Numeric char (20) Separator: "." => "0.0000" N/A
Share-class Information 42 Initial Launch Price Currency No Indicates the ISO-3 currency code of the initial launch price of the instrument Currency String char (3) Currency ISO-3 The initial launch price currency has to be the same as the share class reference currency
Share-class Information 43 Initial Launch Price Date No Indicates the date of the initial launch price Date Date char (10) Date format: dd/MM/yyyy Should not be greater then the creation date of the share class