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Revision as of 15:26, 29 August 2024

Page's last update : 14 September 2023

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Our Report Generator generates your XML reporting using the data from your form you completed before.

Select Test or Production environment

Production environment : https://www.e-file.lu

Homologation environment (Test) : https://homologation.e-file.lu

E-file login

Enter your e-file login credentials (user name and password) and click the Access button

Transmision follow up-Login .png

IMPORTANT: If you do not have an e-file user account, you might contact your e-file administrator of your company.

=>for more detailed information please click the link e-file Administration

E-file launchpad

Once your are logged in, the e-file launchpad opens.

Click on the Report Generation icon.

Report generation.png

Select your report type

Please be informed that the PICK A SUB-MODULE functionality did not change in the new e-file version.

Once you have clicked on the Report Generation icon, the window OPEN A SUB-MODULE pops-up. Click on PICK A SUB-MODULE.

A drop-down list opens from which you have to select your reporting type. In our example we will select the U1.1 report.

Then, click on the LAUNCH REPORT button. The U1.1 form opens.



Final U11Form v2.png

A New warning: no auto saving.

B Vertical navigation bar: pages open vertically. Buttons remain red if data are missing/wrong.

C Calendar to pick the reference date.

D Icons to select Report status.

F Select an existing report button: This button allows you to upload an existing XML report from your network or hard-drive into the report generator.

G Save locally button: Work in progress on a report has to be saved with this button. Work in progress means that the report is not finalized, because important data are missing. The exported .xml file will be called DRAFT_filename.xml and cannot be uploaded for filing. It can be imported onto the tool for later use. If you save locally a final report, meaning that all relevant data are available inside the report, it will carry the correct naming convention for submission to the Regulator.

H Transmit button: If the four buttons of the sidebar are green, the Transmission button will become available and the report can be transmitted to the regulator.

I EXCEL button: Press this button to export an uncompleted or finalized report in EXCEL format. This file serves for your internal purpose only, however it cannot be imported.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION on where you can find the item numbers of CIRCULAR CSSF 15/627 U1.1 reporting in the different sections of the form:

Number1Sidebar.png 1st button of the sidebar: General information on the report and the sender => item number 1010-1050

Number2Sidebar.png 2nd button of the sidebar: General information on the report and the compartment => item number 2010-2090

Number3Sidebar.png 3rd button of the sidebar: General information on the compartment => item number 3010-3050

Section 1 (sub-section of section 3) General information on the unit/share class => item number 4010-4100
Section 2 (sub-section of section 3) Financial information on the unit/share class for the reference month => item number 5010-5090

Number4Sidebar.png 4th button of the sidebar. Information on the investment income and expenses of the reference month in the fund’s currency => 6010-6100

File transmission

Step 1: Once the form is completed, click the Transmit button.


Result: The REPORT TRANSMISSION window opens.

Step 2: Configure the REPORT TRANSMISSION when it is used for the first time (or after each certificate update).


a) Under the sub-menu Configuration, the path to the keystore should be selected using the button BROWSE FILES or via Drag&Drop.

b) Make sure to select “Save keystore settings” so that the file is memorized by the application.

Step 3: Fill in the TRANSMISSION SETTINGS and Transmit

REPORT TRANSMISSION transmission.png

a) Activate the Transmission sub-menu.

b) Enter a “Title of the sending”.

c) Enter the Keystore password.

d) Click “TRANSMIT” to submit your report.

Result: A pop-up window will confirm the transmission.


Note: The file name is automatically generated and compliant to the supervisory authority's file naming convention.


File transmission follow-up


List of all reportings that can be created manually with our Report generator

Report type Details NCA Reporting population Fundsquare product
catalog reference
Business ID
TPTBBL Security by security report – Balance sheet data–Luxembourg BCL Credit Institutions 2.1.6 20
TPTBBN Security by security report – Balance sheet data – Luxembourg BCL Credit Institutions 2.1.6 20
TPTBHR Security by security report – Off-balance sheet data – Resident customers BCL Credit Institutions 2.1.6 20
TPTBHN Security by security report – Off-balance sheet data – Non-resident BCL Credit Institutions 2.1.6 20
O4.1 Yearly financial information CSSF Investment Funds 1.1 8
O4.2 Interventions on the futures and options markets CSSF Investment Funds 1.1 8
O1.2 Monthly financial information for guaranteed funds CSSF Investment Funds 1.1 8
U1.1 Monthly financial information UCITS and UCI CSSF Investment Funds 1.1 8
S1.3 Monthly statistical balance sheet for money market funds (MMF) BCL Investment Funds 1.1 8
S1.6 Monthly statistical balance sheet for non-money market funds (non-MMF) BCL Investment Funds 1.1 8
S2.13 Quarterly statistical balance sheet for non-MMF investment funds BCL Investment Funds 1.1 8
TPTOBS Monthly Security by security reporting for investment funds BCL Investment Funds 1.1 8
S2.14 Quarterly statistical balance BCL Securitisation Vehicles 2.1.9 23
S2.15 Transactions and write-offs/write-downs on securitised loans BCL Securitisation Vehicles 2.1.9 23
TPTTBS Security by security reporting BCL Securitisation Vehicles 2.1.9 23
S2.16 Quarterly statistical balance of Financial Companies BCL Financial Companies 2.1.12 35
S2.17 Transactions of Financial Companies BCL Financial Companies 2.1.12 35
TPTIBS Monthly security by security reporting of Financial Companies BCL Financial Companies 2.1.12 35
S0218-L Quarterly statistical balance sheet of insurance corporations – Luxembourg entity BCL Insurance Corporations 2.1.21 63
S0219-L Information on valuation effects on the balance sheet of insurance corporations BCL Insurance Corporations 2.1.21 63
S0403-L Annual Premiums, claims and commissions of insurance corporations – Luxembourg entity BCL Insurance Corporations 2.1.21 63
TPTASS Monthly Security by security reporting of insurance corporations BCL Insurance Corporations 2.1.21 63
FATCA Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Reporting ACD Financial Institutions - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) (-) 2.1.19
(-) 2.2
CRS Automatic exchange of financial account information on a global level ACD Financial Institutions - Common Reporting Standard (CRS) (-) 2.1.22
(-) 2.3

Set your download directory

You can set your default download directory.
The set-up depends of your Web browser.

Google Chrome

Chrome Option.jpg

First step, open the settings option :

In Chrome > the 3 points > settings

Chrome Download.jpg

Write download in the search bar

Then two possibilities

  • Choose a default directory (A)
  • Choose to be asked each time where save the file before downloading (B)


See: Change download location on Edge by Microsoft