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<small>''Page's last update : {{REVISIONDAY2}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{REVISIONYEAR}}''</small>

Our Report Generator generates your XML reporting using the data from your form you completed before.
This tool has been upgraded to enable the generation of AIFMD (Annex IV) reporting

''You can retrieve a complete user guide by clicking here:[[Media:AIFMD_Form_-_User_guide.pdf|User guide]]''
=Select Test or Production environment=
Production environment : '''https://www.e-file.lu'''
Homologation environment (Test) : '''https://homologation.e-file.lu'''
=E-file login=
Enter your e-file login credentials (user name and password) and click the Access button
[[File:Transmision follow up-Login .png|250 px]]
'''IMPORTANT:''' If you do not have an e-file user account, you might contact your '''e-file administrator''' of your company.
[[E-file Administration|=>for more detailed information please click the link '''e-file Administration''']]
=E-file launchpad=
Once your are logged in, the e-file launchpad opens.
Click on the '''Report Generation''' icon.
=Select your report type=
Please be informed that the '''PICK A SUB-MODULE''' functionality did not change in the new e-file version.
Once you have clicked on the '''Report Generation''' icon, the  window '''OPEN A SUB-MODULE''' pops-up. Click on '''PICK A SUB-MODULE'''.
A drop-down list opens from which you have to select your reporting type. In our example we will select the '''U1.1''' report.
Then, click on the '''LAUNCH REPORT''' button. The U1.1 form opens.
[[File:BeforeAfterPickSubModule2.png| 300 px]]

Choose the 'AIFMD Form' in the [[ReportGeneration|Report Generation]] module.

Latest revision as of 11:59, 24 September 2024

Page's last update : 24 Mar 2024

You can retrieve a complete user guide by clicking here:User guide

Choose the 'AIFMD Form' in the Report Generation module.

AIFMD HomePage

AIFMD Homepage.png

A Filters: report status, AIFM, AIF, Reporting period.

B AIFM Reports

C AIF Reports:

D Action buttons

  • Create a new AIF or AIFM report
  • Edit an existing report
  • Cancel a transmitted report

E Export: XML export function

F Transmit: If status "Ready" the report can be transmitted


AIFM Form.png

A Section1: Header

B Section2: Identifiers

C Back to Home and Monitoring: Back to Home page buttons

D Refresh report: The last saved version will be displayed

E Select Existing Report: Upload an existing XML report from the network or hard-drive into the report generator

F Export Report: An XML file containing the current data will be downloaded

G Save Report Data: The current data will be saved.

H TransmitOnce no errors left the button becomes available and the report can be transmitted

AIF Form

AIF Form.png

A Section1: Header

B Section2: Identification of the AIF

C Section 3: Risk Profile of the AIF

D Section 4: Principal Exposures and Most Important Concentration

E Section 5 Instruments Traded and Individual Exposures

F Back to Home and Monitoring: Back to Home page buttons

G Refresh report: The page is refreshed. The last saved version will be displayed

H Select Existing Report: Upload an existing XML report from the network or hard-drive into the report generator

I Export Report: An XML file containing the current data will be downloaded

J Save Report Data: The current data will be saved

K Transmit: Once no errors left the button becomes available and the report can be transmitted

AIF and AIFM Form

Information messages

AIF AIFM Information messages.png

A Mandatory fields are marked with an *

B When a field should not be reported it is greyed out:

C Almost every field has an informational message

D When a field is not filled correctly an error message appears