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<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">[[Welcome_to_e-file_and_Fundsquare_FAQ|Home page ]][[File:Home.png|Return homepage|link=Welcome_to_e-file_and_Fundsquare_FAQ]] </div>
<small>''Page's last update : 26 September 2023''</small>
<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">[[Manuel FATCA|Français]] [[File:french.jpg|Accéder à la partie française|link=Manuel_FATCA]]</div>


The Luxembourg Tax Authoritiy (Administration des contributions directes ([http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/echanges_electroniques.html ACD])) published on 19 January 2017 an updated version of the circular [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA3] defining the new format that takes into account the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) FATCA XSD 2.0. Luxembourg Financial Institutions will have to use this new schema, as it will be the only one accepted as from now.   
The Luxembourg Tax Authority ('''Administration des contributions directes''' ([http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/echanges_electroniques.html ACD])) published on 19 January 2017 an updated version of the circular [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA3] defining the new format that takes into account the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) FATCA XSD 2.0. Luxembourg Financial Institutions will have to use this new schema, as it will be the only one accepted as from now.   
'''IMPORTANT''': all '''pre-filled''' data have to be communicated to Fundsquare in order to be integrated in Fundsquare's database and to be available in the FATCA form
Consult our [https://www.e-file.lu/wiki/index.php/FATCA_Onboarding FATCA Onboarding] for more detailed information.
=Report type=
Choose the 'FATCA Form' in the [[ReportGeneration|Report Generation]] module.
The '''FATCA form''' opens and a small window pops up where you have to select the '''FATCA report type'''.
In our example we will select FATCA report.
[[File:SelectFATCAReportType.png|300 px]]
=FATCA form=
[[File:2 AfterFormFatca.png|600 px]]
==Contact information==
This is the Luxembourgish part of the FATCA report.
The '''contact''' '''information''' is split into 2 sections:
1. '''Information on depositor'''
2. '''AEOI Reporting FI'''

These sections can be accessed via the buttons in the vertical navigation bar or directly clicking the sections' titles.

==AEOI reference==

=Manual filing through e-file v2=


*This field has to be completed by a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that can be chosen freely in accordance with certain rules described in [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 13].

*Select your environment:
*Specifications: only capital characters (A-Z), number 0-9, must be unique, etc.

Production environment : '''https://www.e-file.lu/e-file/'''
*The ACD  recommends not to use personal data such as the name or account number, but rather a sequential number.

Homologation environment (Test) : '''https://homologation.e-file.lu/e-file/'''
Cf. [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 13].


*Enter your e-file login credentials (user name and password) and click the Access button.


'''IMPORTANT:''' If you do not have an e-file user account or if you do not remember your password, you might contact your '''e-file administrator''' of your company.
==Information on depositor==

==Open FATCA form==

*Click on the Report Generation icon:
*'''Depositor name''' (pre-filled): The '''Depositor''' is an entity (legal or natural person) that is in charge of filing the FATCA reporting to the ACD (e.g. Service provider). Cf. [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 6].
[[File:Fatca ReportGen.jpg]]

*'''Personal Identification Number''' (pre-filled): The '''Depositor''' needs a '''Personal Identification Number''' (Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number also known as CCSS code) to be able to file the report.

*Select Formulaire FATCA
[[File:Select Form Fatca.jpg]]<br/>

==AEOI Reporting FI==

'''Result:''' the FATCA form opens

[[File:Open form.jpg]]
The information on '''Reporting person''' has to be completed in '''section 2''' of the form.

*'''Name of the reporting financial institution''': Select the entity in the drop-down list for which the reporting is done.
*'''Reporting person''' (pre-filled once the RFI has been selected)
*'''Identification number''' (pre-filled with the Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number once the RFI has been selected)
*'''Entity Identification number extension''' (pre-filled with the value "M00000000"): "M00000000" is the default value if you have no extention code to communicate.
*'''Personnal information''' The ACD needs contact details of a person who would be able to answer business questions regarding the report.

==Complete FATCA form==
'''IMPORTANT''': If a sub-entity has to file a FATCA reporting and does not have a Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number, it must enter the parent Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number in the first field and an additional identifier in the second field. For example, sub-funds  have to enter the Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number of the umbrella fund in the '''Identification Number''' field and enter the sub-fund number in the '''Entity Identification number extension''' field. Cf. details [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 9].

===Contact tab===
If the RFI has no Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number the instructions published on the ACD website have to be followed (Cf.: [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/profil/organigramme/direction/division_echange_renseignements_retenue_interets.html Contact_Division échange de renseignements et retenue d’impôt sur les intérêts]).

This is the Luxembourgish part of the FATCA report added by ACD.
==Reporting group - Account report - TIN==

====Information on depositor====

[[File:Matricule depositor.jpg]]

If no TIN is available the value '''#NTA001#''' has to be entered in the TIN field.

*'''AEOI reference''': free text to be provided by the Depositor. Specifications of the free text: maximum length 100 characters, only capital characters, number 0-9, must be unique, etc.; Cf. details [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA3, page 13]. Please be informed that our FATCA form respect all these rules by default, however the XSD of the ACD does not check this on our Sending Service and you risk to obtain a rejection of the ACD.

*The '''Depositor''' is an entity (legal or natural person) that is in charge of filing the FATCA reporting to the ACD (e.g. Service provider).

*The '''Depositor''' needs a '''Personal Identification Number''' (Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number also known as CCSS code) to be able to file the report.

If the '''Depositor''' does not have a Luxembourgish '''Matricule''' Number, he has to contact the "Bureau de la retenue d'impôt sur les intérêts"

-by mail: aeoi@co.etat.lu
==Zero Reporting==

-by phone: [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/profil/organigramme/liste_telephone_service.html#srii Phone book_Bureau de la retenue d'impôt sur les intérêts]
The ACD requires one reporting each year from each Luxembourg Reporting Financial Institution registered with the IRS.

Luxembourg Reporting Financial Institutions that have no Reportable Accounts to report for a year, must inform the ACD by sending a Zero Reporting to the ACD.

====Reporting person====
Cf. [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 21].

====Information on declarer====

= Naming convention =
== Export - import files - save work in progress ==

'''Report :''' <br/>
FATCA_DateTime_Channel_MatriculeReporter_GIIN_ProdTest.xml <br/>

'''Feedback from ACD :''' <br/>
'''<u>Report type</u>''' button
FATCA_ DateTime_Channel_MatriculeReporter_GIIN_ProdTest_Status.xml<br/>
Press the '''REPORT TYPE''' button, if you want to change your FATCA Report Type. A small window pops up where you can select the report type you need:
:: - Contact update
:: - Zero report
:: - FATCA report
'''<u>Select an existing report</u>''' button
This button allows you to upload an existing '''XML''' report from your network or hard-drive into the report generator.
'''<u>Save locally</u>''' button
<u>Work in progress</u> on a report has to be saved with this button. '''Work in progress''' means that the report is not finalized, as important data are missing. The exported '''.xml''' file will be called '''DRAFT_filename.xml''' and cannot be uploaded for filing. It can be imported onto the tool for later use.
If you save locally a <u>final report</u>, meaning that all relevant data are available inside the report, it will carry the '''correct naming convention''' for submission to the Regulator.
'''<u>Transmit</u>''' button
If all buttons of the sidebar are green, the '''Transmission button''' will become available and the report can be transmitted to the regulator.
== File transmission ==
When the form is completed and all ticks are green, you can click the [[File:After-CRS-TransmitButtton.png|border|80px]] button.
A drawer opens from the right, fill the form and click 'Transmit'.
[[File:CRS Transmit.png|border|500px]]
'''Note''': the file name is automatically generated and compliant to the ACD file naming convention.
== Transmission follow up ==
Please consult our wiki page [[Transmission_Monitoring|'''Transmission Monitoring''']]
= Automatic filing through the Sending Service =
*Should you need further information on the Sending Service, please see our [[Sending_Service_home|sending service's wiki page.]]
== FATCA file naming convention ==
The following naming convention has to be applied for the files:
'''XML file :'''
'''Feedback from ACD :'''

{|border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
{|border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
Line 92: Line 186:
| DateTime
| DateTime
| Creation date and time
| Creation date and time of the XML file
| Number(14)
| Number(14)
| AAAAMMJJhhmmss
| YYYYMMDDhhmmss
| Type
| F0: ZeroReport or new contact data without FATCA data
F1: FATCA1–New data
F2: FATCA2–Correction–Data corrected upon request of the IRS
F3: FATCA3–Void–Cancellation of data
F4: FATCA4–Amendment–Data corrected at any time
| Char(1)Number(1)
| F0
| FiscalYear
| Fiscal year
| Number(4)
| Channel
| Channel
| Communication channel  
| Communication channel  
| Char(1)
| Char(1)
| B (Bourse)
| B = Bourse
| MatriculeReporter
| MatriculeDepositor
| Social Security Identification Number
| Social Security Identification Number
| Number(11) - Number(13)
| Number(11) - Number(13)
Line 121: Line 243:
| Char(3)
| Char(3)
| ''Technical Feedback''
| ''Technical Feedback''
ACK = File technically received by ACD <br/>
NAK = Error encountered during the file reception <br/>
''Business Feedback'' <br/>
VAL = Validated and imported by ACD <br/>
WAR = Validated and imported by ACD but with small issues that raised a warning <br/>
ERR = Error in file, rejected by ACD <br />

Examples <br/>
ACK = File received by ACD

'''Report :''' <br/>
NAK = File rejected by ACD

FATCA report created the 31/07/2015 via Bourse’s channel, with CCSS code 11231231230 GIIIN code LBITA8.00002.SP.442, in the test environment. <br/>
''Business Feedback''

'''Feedback from ACD :''' <br/>
VAL = Validated and imported by ACD
'''FATCA_20150731115912_B_11231231230_LBITA8.00002.SP.442_T_ack.xml''' <br/>
FATCA report created the 31/07/2015 via Bourse’s channel, with CCSS code 11231231230 GIIIN code LBITA8.00002.SP.442, in the test environment and has been received by ACD. <br/>

= Manual sending =
WAR = Validated and imported by ACD but with small issues that raised a warning

Link to the video tutorial for FATCA report : https://www.e-file.lu/videos/Util_FATCA_Flex_EN.htm
ERR = File rejected

== Work in progress, export and import of reports ==

Work in progress on a report can be saved with the [[File:ExportDraft.png | border]] button. The exported .xml file will be called DRAFT_filename.xml and cannot be uploaded for FATCA filing. It can be imported for later use. <br/>
The final reported can be saved via the [[File:ExportXMLFormat.png | border]] button. This button will only be available if the green Icon [[File:GreenIcon.png]] appears in every section and the report has been completed. The file will be saved in xml format with the required naming convention. It will be saved on your hard drive and is available for sending to the Regulator. <br/>

The [[File:selectReport.png]] button allows you to upload an existing report in .xml from your network or
'''XML file''':
harddrive into the report generator. <br/>

== Transmission with the Report Generator ==

=== Setup of the e-file v2 encryption module v2 ===

A completed report can be sent with the [[File:Transmission.png | border]] button. Java version 1.7.55 is a prerequisite for the installation of the e-file v2 encryption module. <br/>
When the [[File:Transmission.png | border]] button is used for the first time, a Java application will be downloaded (.jnlp) in order to install the encryption module locally on your computer. <br/>
Please hit [[File:RunButton.png | border]] when the following window appears on your screen in order to launch the encryption module. <br/>
[[File:JavaEfileWindow.png | border]]

'''Warning:''' It is possible that the pop up blocker prevents that the .jnlp file is downloaded. Please check
'''Feedback from ACD :'''
with your IT to allow pop ups from https://www.e-file.lu/ . <br/>

The encryption module has to be configured when it is used for the first time (or after each Java
update). The path to the keystore has to be selected with the [[File:BrowseButton.png | border]] button and the key (locally or on a server) will have to be imported with the [[File:ImportButton.png |border]] button : <br/>

[[File:EncryptionConfig.png |border]]

After the import of the key, the access to the keystore is saved and does not have to be reconfigured
in the future. You will be redirected to the sending screen and reports can now be sent with e-file v2.
In order to be more user friendly and to speed up the sending process, the encryption module runs as
a back ground process on your desktop. In order to end the process, right click on the icon in the
taskbar and select “Close encryption module” : <br/>

[[File:EncryptionTaskbar.png |border]]
Cf. [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017; page 19-20]

After the installation of the encryption module on your desktop, reports can be sent from the Report
== Report transmission ==
Generator with the [[File:Transmission.png | border]] button. In the following window, the file name is automatically
generated and compliant to the ACD naming convention : <br/>
[[File:EncryptionGeneral.png | border]]
After entering a name for the sending (this name will also be used for search queries) and entering the
keystore password, the report can be sent with the [[File:SendButton.png | border]] button. A popup window will confirm the transmission.
= Automatic Sending with the Sending Service =
In order to send reports with the Sending Service, the following components have to be installed on
your desktop:
*'''Java version or higher'''
*'''Sending service version 3.3.6 or higher'''

== Access to the Sending Service ==
In order to send a report with the Sending Service, the exported .xml report has to be copied into the '''…/ServiceDeposant/ReportingDiffusion/FATCA subfolder'''.

The Sending Service is accessible with the file explorer and visible as a folder including subfolders :
Ensure that the '''FATCA file naming convention''' is applied (Cf. [[#FATCA file naming convention|FATCA file naming convention]]).

[[File:FolderFatca.bmp |border]]
== File processing status generated by the Sending Service ==

The standard file structure includes a  «FATCA» subfolder  (by default, a subfolder for each type of
See [[Sending_Service#Transmission_following | our wiki upon the sending service ]] to understand the sending service's follow up.
reporting is included).

== Sending frequency ==
== File transmission status ==
During the setup of the sending service, the sending frequency can be individually set for each subfolder by your e-file administrator within the setup file. The default sending frequency is every 30 minutes but it can be tailored according to your needs.

== Report transmission ==
ACD's feedback files are available in the sub-folder "Replies":  '''.../ServiceDeposant/ReportingDiffusion/FATCA/Replies/'''.
In order to send a report with the Sending Service, the exported .xml report has to be copied into the
/ServiceDeposant/ReportingDiffusion/FATCA subfolder.

== Files created by the Sending Service ==
Each feedback has a specific status which is available in the file name: ACK, NAK, VAL, WAR, ERR (Cf. [[#FATCA file naming convention|Status feedback ACD]]).
During and at the end of the sending, the Sending Service generates various files in the subfolder that
has been used for the sending. Three type of files are generated: <br/>

*'''.trt''' file : indicates the start of the transmission <br/>
'''Feedback from ACD :'''
In order to be able to send the original file, the Sending Service transforms the latter into a .trt file and
adds a timestamp. Eg «OriginalName.xml» is transformed into OriginalName.xml.timestamp.trt: <br/>

FATCA_20150731115912_B_11231231230_LBITA8.00002.SP.442_T.xml becomes <br/>
FATCA_20150731115912_B_11231231230_LBITA8.00002.SP.442_T.xml_20150731122616366.trt <br/>

*'''.acq''' file : the transmission has been successfully completed <br/>
Example of a successful transmission :<br/>
Before the transmission : <br/>
[[File:FatcaFileXml.png | border]]
After the transmission:  <br/>
[[File:FatcaFileAcq.png | border]]
*'''.err''' file : indicates that an error has occurred during the sending <br/>
The error file contains technical messages designed to help find the root cause of the error, eg naming errors.

The "Replies" folder is created upon feedback receipt. Please check the Sending Service's configuration if the "Replies" folder is not available. In the configuration file (properties file), the variable corresponding to "Configuration of connection for feedback" and the one corresponding to "Configuration of connection for authority acknowledgement" should be set to "up".

= Transmission follow up =
=How to correct, void or amend validated reports=

== Get the feedbacks ==
In order to correct, void or amend reports through the FATCA Form (Report Generator), the type of modification (FATCA2, FATCA3, FATCA4) has to be selected in the "'''Reporting FI'''" tab,  section "'''Document Specification'''" and in the "'''Reporting Group'''" tab, section "'''Account Report'''" and then "'''Document specification"'''.
=== Manual access===
First connect on [https://www.e-file.lu/e-file https://www.e-file.lu/e-file] with your credentials.
Select the "'''Document management'''" module as follow : <br/>
Select "'''Transmission follow up'''" tab : <br/>

The search can be defined between 2 dates and will display all the reports sent during that period.<br/>
The different types are the following ones :
Each report has a status to have a quick overview of your sendings.<br/>
* "'''Transmitted'''" means that the report is currently dispatched to the ACD.<br/>
* "'''Feedback Received'''" means that at least one feedback has been received. It also means that the ACD was able to read your report.<br/>
* "'''To validate'''" means that the report needs to be validated by the declarant on E-file V2. This is a really specific case.<br/>

To see the reports and its feedback, click on the blue icon on the right.<br/>
*'''FATCA1''' : <span style="color:darkcyan">Initial sending</span>. The file contains only new information.

*'''FATCA2''' : <span style="color:darkcyan">Correction</span>. A report should be corrected in response to an error notification from IRS.

The files are displayed with a type:<br/>
*'''FATCA3''' : <span style="color:darkcyan">Void</span>. A report may be voided at any time after you become aware of inaccurate information. All data element fields in the voided record must have the same values equal to the original record being voided. Do not void a report in response to an error notification.
* '''FATCA''' = Original report<br/>
* '''FDBTEC''' = Technical feedback<br/>
* '''FDBBUS''' = Business feedback<br/>
To read one of these files, click on the green icon on the right.<br/>
As the document is encrypted it will launch our encryption module V2.<br/>
Finally the '''keystore password''' is requested to either save the file or directly open it.

=== Access from Sending Service===
*'''FATCA4''' : <span style="color:darkcyan">Amend</span>. A report may be amended at any time. An amended report updates an existing report from a previously filed report. All data element fields in the amended report must have the amended values for the relevant account report. Do not amend a report in response to a report error notification, instead file a corrected report with DocTypeIndic FATCA2.
ACD's feedbacks can be found in the sub-folder "Replies" from the following path .../ServiceDeposant/ReportindDiffusion/FATCA/Replies/.<br/>
Each feedback has a specifical status (see [[#Naming_convention]] : Status) which can be seen in the file name (ex : ack).<br/>
The "Replies" folder is created upon feedback receipt. Please check the Sending Service's configuration whether it cannot be found. In the configuration file, the variable corresponding to "Configuration of connection for feedback" and the the one corresponding to "Configuration of connection for authority acknowledgement" should be set to "up".

To chose the report to modify, its reference has to be entered in the '''document reference ID to correct''' and '''message reference ID to correct'''.<br/>

==What is the AEOI reference ?==
The AEOI reference is a unique reference that needs to be set up for your report. It's a free text you can fill with the text/number of your choice. It is used to identify reports if you need to make a reference.<br/>

==How to modify an existing report ?==
Cf. [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-annexe2-mecanisme-corrections-2017-01-19.pdf Annex 2 to ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017]
In order to modify an existing report the Report Generator's form has to be completed with the new information. The type of modification to apply is set up in the "'''Reporting FI'''" section in "'''Document Specification'''" and in "'''Reporting Group'''" section in "'''Account Report'''" when clicking [[File:AddAccount.png]].<br/>
The different types are the following :<br/>
*'''FATCA1''' : Initial sending. The file contains only new information
*'''FATCA2''' : Asked modifications. The file contains only corrections asked by american's authorities (IRS)
*'''FATCA3''' : Cancellations. The file contains only cancellations concerning previously changed information
*'''FATCA4''' : Modifications. The file contains only corrections concerning the previously changed information on declarer's initiative
To chose the report to modify, its reference has to be entered in the '''document reference ID to correct''' and '''message reference ID to correct'''.<br/>
==Why the GIINs do not appear on the form ?==
To register your GIINs the contact form of our Client Service has to be fill up.<br/>
After the registration of your GIINs you will receive a confirmation mail within few days, if you haven't received the email yet please contact [mailto:fatca_onboarding@fundsquare.net fatca_onboarding@fundsquare.net].<br/>

==Error message : The process takes too much time. Please restart the encryption module.==
Cf. [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017; page 22-24]
The error message occurs when the encryption module is not started in time.<br/>
Please check that the pop up are enable for the site https://www.e-file.lu.<br/>
When clicking the "Transmission" button the file '''EfileCrypto.jnlp''' should be downloaded in order to launch the encryption module. You have to open this file with '''Java Web Start Launcher''' to run the module.<br/>

==Message : Waiting files to transmit...==
This error might occur when there is a connection problem between your '''proxy''' and the '''encryption module V2'''.<br/>
Close the encryption module : <br/>
[[File:EncryptionTaskbar.png |border]]<br/>
Open the Java console (See [http://www.e-file.lu/wiki/index.php/Encryption_Module#Show_the_console_in_case_of_other_Java_issue  http://www.e-file.lu/wiki/index.php/Encryption_Module#Show_the_console_in_case_of_other_Java_issue]) and check the logs.<br/>
If an '''error 407''' appears, it means that the encryption module is not able to authenticate on your proxy.<br/>
As a consequence all communications with E-file are blocked.<br/>
In that case the solutions to resolve this problem are the following :<br/>
*Add the group "'''NoAuthenticated exception group'''" to your proxy for '''www.e-file.lu'''
*By-pass the proxy for the communication with '''www.e-file.lu'''

For more information please call the Helpdesk.
[[Category: FAQ e-file]]

Latest revision as of 13:12, 26 September 2024

Page's last update : 26 September 2023


The Luxembourg Tax Authority (Administration des contributions directes (ACD)) published on 19 January 2017 an updated version of the circular ECHA3 defining the new format that takes into account the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) FATCA XSD 2.0. Luxembourg Financial Institutions will have to use this new schema, as it will be the only one accepted as from now.

IMPORTANT: all pre-filled data have to be communicated to Fundsquare in order to be integrated in Fundsquare's database and to be available in the FATCA form
Consult our FATCA Onboarding for more detailed information.

Report type

Choose the 'FATCA Form' in the Report Generation module.

The FATCA form opens and a small window pops up where you have to select the FATCA report type.

In our example we will select FATCA report.


FATCA form

2 AfterFormFatca.png

Contact information

This is the Luxembourgish part of the FATCA report.


The contact information is split into 2 sections:

1. Information on depositor

2. AEOI Reporting FI

These sections can be accessed via the buttons in the vertical navigation bar or directly clicking the sections' titles.

AEOI reference


  • Specifications: only capital characters (A-Z), number 0-9, must be unique, etc.
  • The ACD recommends not to use personal data such as the name or account number, but rather a sequential number.

Cf. ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 13.

Information on depositor


  • Depositor name (pre-filled): The Depositor is an entity (legal or natural person) that is in charge of filing the FATCA reporting to the ACD (e.g. Service provider). Cf. ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 6.
  • Personal Identification Number (pre-filled): The Depositor needs a Personal Identification Number (Luxembourgish Matricule Number also known as CCSS code) to be able to file the report.

AEOI Reporting FI


The information on Reporting person has to be completed in section 2 of the form.

  • Name of the reporting financial institution: Select the entity in the drop-down list for which the reporting is done.
  • Reporting person (pre-filled once the RFI has been selected)
  • Identification number (pre-filled with the Luxembourgish Matricule Number once the RFI has been selected)
  • Entity Identification number extension (pre-filled with the value "M00000000"): "M00000000" is the default value if you have no extention code to communicate.
  • Personnal information The ACD needs contact details of a person who would be able to answer business questions regarding the report.

IMPORTANT: If a sub-entity has to file a FATCA reporting and does not have a Luxembourgish Matricule Number, it must enter the parent Luxembourgish Matricule Number in the first field and an additional identifier in the second field. For example, sub-funds have to enter the Luxembourgish Matricule Number of the umbrella fund in the Identification Number field and enter the sub-fund number in the Entity Identification number extension field. Cf. details ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 9.

If the RFI has no Luxembourgish Matricule Number the instructions published on the ACD website have to be followed (Cf.: Contact_Division échange de renseignements et retenue d’impôt sur les intérêts).

Reporting group - Account report - TIN



If no TIN is available the value #NTA001# has to be entered in the TIN field.

Zero Reporting

The ACD requires one reporting each year from each Luxembourg Reporting Financial Institution registered with the IRS.

Luxembourg Reporting Financial Institutions that have no Reportable Accounts to report for a year, must inform the ACD by sending a Zero Reporting to the ACD.

Cf. ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017, page 21.

Export - import files - save work in progress


Report type button

Press the REPORT TYPE button, if you want to change your FATCA Report Type. A small window pops up where you can select the report type you need:

- Contact update
- Zero report
- FATCA report

Select an existing report button

This button allows you to upload an existing XML report from your network or hard-drive into the report generator.

Save locally button

Work in progress on a report has to be saved with this button. Work in progress means that the report is not finalized, as important data are missing. The exported .xml file will be called DRAFT_filename.xml and cannot be uploaded for filing. It can be imported onto the tool for later use.

If you save locally a final report, meaning that all relevant data are available inside the report, it will carry the correct naming convention for submission to the Regulator.

Transmit button

If all buttons of the sidebar are green, the Transmission button will become available and the report can be transmitted to the regulator.

File transmission

When the form is completed and all ticks are green, you can click the After-CRS-TransmitButtton.png button.

A drawer opens from the right, fill the form and click 'Transmit'.

CRS Transmit.png

Note: the file name is automatically generated and compliant to the ACD file naming convention.

Transmission follow up

Please consult our wiki page Transmission Monitoring

Automatic filing through the Sending Service

FATCA file naming convention

The following naming convention has to be applied for the files:

XML file :
Feedback from ACD :
Code Definition Structure Values
DateTime Creation date and time of the XML file Number(14) YYYYMMDDhhmmss
Type F0: ZeroReport or new contact data without FATCA data

F1: FATCA1–New data

F2: FATCA2–Correction–Data corrected upon request of the IRS

F3: FATCA3–Void–Cancellation of data

F4: FATCA4–Amendment–Data corrected at any time

Char(1)Number(1) F0





FiscalYear Fiscal year Number(4) YYYY
Channel Communication channel Char(1) B = Bourse
MatriculeDepositor Social Security Identification Number Number(11) - Number(13) Code CCSS
GIIN GIIN (Global Intermediary Identification Number ) of the declarer Char(6).Char(5).Char(2).Number(3) Code GIIN XXXXXX.XXXXX.XX.XXX
ProdTest Environment type Char(1) P = Production

T = Test

Status Response status Char(3) Technical Feedback

ACK = File received by ACD

NAK = File rejected by ACD

Business Feedback

VAL = Validated and imported by ACD

WAR = Validated and imported by ACD but with small issues that raised a warning

ERR = File rejected


XML file:



Feedback from ACD :



Cf. ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017; page 19-20

Report transmission

In order to send a report with the Sending Service, the exported .xml report has to be copied into the …/ServiceDeposant/ReportingDiffusion/FATCA subfolder.

Ensure that the FATCA file naming convention is applied (Cf. FATCA file naming convention).

File processing status generated by the Sending Service

See our wiki upon the sending service to understand the sending service's follow up.

File transmission status

ACD's feedback files are available in the sub-folder "Replies": .../ServiceDeposant/ReportingDiffusion/FATCA/Replies/.

Each feedback has a specific status which is available in the file name: ACK, NAK, VAL, WAR, ERR (Cf. Status feedback ACD).

Feedback from ACD :



The "Replies" folder is created upon feedback receipt. Please check the Sending Service's configuration if the "Replies" folder is not available. In the configuration file (properties file), the variable corresponding to "Configuration of connection for feedback" and the one corresponding to "Configuration of connection for authority acknowledgement" should be set to "up".

How to correct, void or amend validated reports

In order to correct, void or amend reports through the FATCA Form (Report Generator), the type of modification (FATCA2, FATCA3, FATCA4) has to be selected in the "Reporting FI" tab, section "Document Specification" and in the "Reporting Group" tab, section "Account Report" and then "Document specification".

The different types are the following ones :

  • FATCA1 : Initial sending. The file contains only new information.
  • FATCA2 : Correction. A report should be corrected in response to an error notification from IRS.
  • FATCA3 : Void. A report may be voided at any time after you become aware of inaccurate information. All data element fields in the voided record must have the same values equal to the original record being voided. Do not void a report in response to an error notification.
  • FATCA4 : Amend. A report may be amended at any time. An amended report updates an existing report from a previously filed report. All data element fields in the amended report must have the amended values for the relevant account report. Do not amend a report in response to a report error notification, instead file a corrected report with DocTypeIndic FATCA2.

To chose the report to modify, its reference has to be entered in the document reference ID to correct and message reference ID to correct.

Cf. Annex 2 to ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017

Cf. ECHA - n° 3 of 19 January 2017; page 22-24