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= e-file FAQ - Administrator's section =
<small>''Page's last update : {{REVISIONDAY2}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{REVISIONYEAR}}''</small>
<small>''Page's last update : {{REVISIONDAY2}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{REVISIONYEAR}}''</small>

<span id="BackToTop"></span>
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[[#BackToTop|Back to the Top]]
<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">[[Welcome_to_e-file_and_Fundsquare_FAQ|Home page ]][[File:Home.png|Return homepage|link=Welcome_to_e-file_and_Fundsquare_FAQ]]</div>
[[File:Administration module icon (Figure 2).png|300px]]
== Knowing the interface ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">What am I allowed to do as an administrator ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The '''Administration module''' opens. Tabs are available in the '''e-file administrator''' module: (Figure 3).
[[File:Users, Groups and Certificates (Figure 3).png|900px]]
!'''Users tab'''
!'''Groups tab'''
!'''Certificates tab'''
!'''Sending service tab'''
!'''S3 keys tab'''
*[[#Create a new e-file user|Create a new user]]
*[[#Assign groups and profiles to users|Assign groups to a user]]
*[[#ExplainAction|Force password change]]
*[[#ExplainAction|Lock/ unlock user]]
*[[#ExplainAction|Delete user]]
*[[#Manage users at group level|User management at group level]]
* Add users to a group
* Assign a group to users
* Manage user profiles at group level
* [[E-file_Administration#Certificates tab|Order a new '''Luxtrust certificate''']]
* [[E-file_Administration#Certificates tab|Renew your Luxtrust certificate]]
* [[E-file_Administration#Activation of your LUXTRUST certificate|Activate Luxtrust certificate]]
:''Sending service user's management :''
* [[E-file_Administration#Sending Service management|Assign groups to the '''Sending Service user''']]
* [[E-file_Administration#Sending Service management|Subscribe the Sending Service user to '''alerts''']]
:''Sending service user's management - V2 :''
* [[Sending_Service_java-less_version|Sending service java-less version]]
* [[E-file_Administration#S3_digital_key_management_in_e-file|'''S3''' key management]]
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">Explore the interface's items</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
File:AdminInterface.png|center|1200px|alt=clickable image : admin interface
rect 83 11 944 69 [[#hereExplainAction| This is the tabs' menu ]]
rect 1812 154 1686 93 [[#hereExplainAction| Click to create a new user's account ]]
rect 237 234 28 168 [[#hereExplainAction|  The vertical menu can be reduce ]]
rect 238 281 31 239 [[#hereExplainAction|  Here you can set who will receive some e-mail notifications in relation with the administration ]]
rect 256 186 1286 232 [[#hereExplainAction| You can filter the list on a group's members or a profile]]
rect 406 345 450 375 [[#hereExplainAction| The crown indicates an administrator]]
rect 793 285 878 300 [[#hereExplainAction| By hovering over their headers, text columns can be sorted]]
rect 1618 281 1748 332 [[#hereExplainAction| Each line allow its actions among : * Edit, * Force password, * Lock/Unlock, * Delete]]
rect 1618 337 1647 369 [[#hereExplainAction| Edit the user details or group permissions]]
rect 1652 337 1681 369 [[#hereExplainAction| Force password change : an email is sent to the user for him to reset]]
rect 1687 337 1711 369 [[#hereExplainAction| Lock or Unlock the account. The icon is greyed out for new users.]]
rect 1716 337 1743 369 [[#hereExplainAction| Delete the account. You can not delete administrators, ask us.]]
desc none
== Accounts' management ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How many users can I create ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
:You can create as many as users' accounts you need. It is free of charge.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I create a new e-file user ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
:Click the '''Create a user''' button.
:The '''Create a user''' window pops up. Complete the form as shown in the figure below and click the '''Create''' button.
File:4CreateUser.png|center|900px|alt=clickable image : create user form
rect 1081 737 41 282 [[#hereCreatUser|All fields are mandatory]]
rect 991 835 42 770 [[#hereCreatUser|You must choose a first group and a user's profile ]]
rect 475 856 637 914 [[#hereCreatUser|Click here to validate]]
rect 1363 993 1216 939 [[#hereCreatUser|Click here to cancel]]
circle 1355 58 34 [[#hereCreatUser|Click here to cancel]]
desc none
:<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : You do not have to create a password for the user, an automatic mail will be sent to the new user to  activate his account and create a password</span>'''
:The '''Create a user''' window closes and you return automatically to the '''Users List''' screen.
:At the same time a '''confirmation''' window pops up on the top of the screen indicating that the user creation was successful.
:[[File:User creation was successful (Figure 7).png|800px]]
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">Change an existing account's e-mail</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<u>'''Step 1</u>:'''
Connect to [https://e-file.lu e-file.lu] with your '''e-file administrator''' login (adminXXX) and click the '''Administration module''' icon.
[[File:Administration module icon (Figure 2).png|400px]]
<u>'''Step 2</u>:'''
The '''Users List''' screen opens. Click the Edit button on the line of the account to be changed.
<u>'''Step 3</u>:'''
Click the detail tab, then Edit button
<u>'''Step 4</u>:'''
Change the e-mail then click Validate button
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">What about the Sending Service account ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
As an administrator, you can manage the permission for the sending service account too.
See more information upon the [[Sending_Service_home|sending service]]
File:SDPermission.png|center|800px|alt=clickable image on SD permission
rect 385 1 615 68 [[#hereSDPerm| Click the sending service tab ]]
rect 7 172 192 211 [[#hereSDPerm| In the vertical menu, choose the proper version of your sending service ]]
rect 1370 310 1421 374 [[#hereSDPerm| On the matching line, click the edit icon ]]
rect 1378 442 1473 384 [[#hereSDPerm| A panel opens from the right, click the edit button ]]
rect 248 545 1231 778 [[#hereSDPerm| You can add or delete a group, the profile is always 'Service Déposant', subscribe to receive the authorities' feedbacks. ]]
desc none
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">Managing permission on user's account </div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
See: [[#How_do_I_assign_groups_and_profiles_to_users|How do I assign groups and profiles to users ?]]
== Groups' management ==
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">What is an e-file group ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The '''Groups''' tab allows you to manage existing users at group level
In e-file, a group matches some similar types of reports.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">Which group do I need ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I get a missing group ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
If you think that the group you need is not available in your list, please [[How_to_contact_us|ask us]] to check and/or add it.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I manage users at group level ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Connect to [https://e-file.lu e-file.lu] with your '''e-file administrator''' login (adminXXX) and click the '''Administration module''' icon (Figure 21).
[[File:Administration module icon (Figure 2).png|400px]]
(Figure 21)
If you want to know the users to which the group '''Group FATCA''' has been assigned or if you want to add a new user to the group, please follow the instructions below.
<u>'''Step 1</u>:'''
Press the '''Groups''' button. The '''Groups list''' page opens. All groups assigned to your company are shown here (Figure 22).
(Figure 22)
<u>'''Step 2</u>:'''
Click the '''Edit groups''' icon [[File:EditGroupSD.png|20px]] in order to view all the users assigned to '''Groupe FATCA''' group (Figure 23).
(Figure 23)
The '''Group detail''' page opens. Here you can find detailed information on the '''Group FATCA''' (e.g. Status date, number of inactive users, number of locked users) (Figure 24).
(Figure 24)
<u>'''Step 3</u>:'''
Press the '''Users''' button (Figure 25)
(Figure 25)
The Group detail / Users page opens. All users assigned to the '''Group FATCA''' are listed here(Figure 26).
(Figure 26)
<u>'''Step 4</u>:'''
Press the '''Edit Users''' button [[File:EditUserButton.png|100px]] (Figure 27)
(Figure 27)
The '''Users''' page opens in '''Edit mode''' (Figure 28)
(Figure 28)
The following actions can be done here:
1. '''ADD A USER'''. Select the user and his profile you want to add.
2. Change the '''Profile''' of the user
3. Delete the '''User'''
4. Once you have made your changes, press the VALDATE CHANGES button [[File:ValidateChanges.png|100px]]
The '''Users''' window closes and you return automatically to the '''Groups List''' screen.
At the same time a confirmation window pops up on the top of the screen indicating that the assignment was successful (Figure 29).
(Figure 29)
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How do I assign groups and profiles to users</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<span id=How_do_I_assign_groups_and_profiles_to_users></span>
If a user has to send '''FATCA reportings''' to the authority, the e-file administrator must assign the <u>group</u> '''Rapport FATCA''' and the <u>profile</u> '''Manager''' to the user.
<u>'''Step 1</u>:'''
Open the '''User management''' screen in the '''Users''' tab and click the '''Edit''' [[File:EditGroupSD.png|20px]] icon of the user to whom you want assign [[ProductCoverage|'''groups''']] and a specific [[E-file_Administration#User_profiles |'''profile''']] (Figure 11).
[[File:A specific profile (Figure 11).png|900px]]
(Figure 11)
<u>'''Step 2</u>:'''
The '''User details''' screen opens. Click the '''Groups''' button (Figure 12).
(Figure 12)
<u>'''Step 3</u>:'''
The '''User details / Groups''' screen opens. Click the '''Edit button''' (Figure 13).
(Figure 13)
<u>'''Step 4</u>:'''
The '''User details / Groups''' screen opens in '''Edit''' mode (Figure 14).
Click the '''ADD A GROUP''' button [[File:AddGroup.png|100px]], select the [[ProductCoverage|'''groups''']] and '''profile''' you want to assign and click the '''Validate''' button.
[[File:4Add group.png|800px]]
(Figure 14)
The '''User details / Groups''' window closes and you return automatically to the '''Groups List''' screen.
At the same time a '''confirmation''' window pops up on the top of the screen indicating that the group assignment was successfully saved (Figure 15).
(Figure 15)
Please be informed that you can find detailed information on all groups on our Wikipage [[ProductCoverage|'''Product Coverage''']]; column <u>e-file user account: "groupe"</u>.
=== User profiles ===
====Administrator (EN)/ Administrateur  (FR)====
The Administrator profile allows the e-file administrator to order and activate LuxTrust certificate(s), manage user accounts, groups, user profiles, lock and un lock user account.
==== Guest (EN) */ Visiteur (FR) * ====
* The Guest can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).<br>
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).<br>
* The Guest cannot submit reports or documents via e-file.
====Manager (EN)/ Responsable (FR)====
* The Manager can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).<br>
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).<br>
* The Manager can submit reports linked to his group(s) via e-file.
====Operator (EN) */ Opérateur (FR) * ====
* The Operator can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).
* The Operator submit reports linked to his group(s) to validation by a Validator.
====Validator (EN) */ Valideur (FR) * ====
* The Validator can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).
* He validates or rejects reports awaiting for validation linked to his group(s).
(*) Available depending the group
== Security's management ==
=== * keystore system, Luxtrust certificate, SSL security ===
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How do I order a LUXTRUST certificate ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
All reporting files transmitted to the supervisory authorities must be encrypted.
The only certificate authorised for the file encryption by the reporting entity are SSL certificates from the certification authority [https://www.easyssl.lu/?product=e-file LUXTRUST].
Please check the [[Transmission_Module#System_requirements|system requirements]] to run the e-file applications.
=== Key and Certificate Request generation ===
Please be informed that during the next steps <span style="background:yellow"> <u>two files</u>  </span> will be generated:
<span style="background:yellow"> 1- </span> the keystore file '''keystore.ks''' containing your new keys
<span style="background:yellow"> 2- </span> the certificate request file '''Certificate Request.csr''' containing a copy of your new keys. <u>This file must be uploaded on LUXTRUST's website during your purchase order</u> .
  <span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the Luxtrust SSL certificate purchase order and its activation have to be performed on the same computer workstation.</span>'''
<u>'''Step 1</u>:'''
Connect to [https://e-file.lu e-file.lu] with your [[E-file Administration|'''e-file administrator''']] credentials (adminXXX) and click the '''Administration module''' icon (Figure 30).
[[File:Administration module icon (Figure 2).png|400px]]
(Figure 30)
<u>'''Step 2</u>:'''
Click the '''Certificates ''' button (Figure 31)
(Figure 31)
<u>'''Step 3</u>:'''
The '''Certificates Management''' screen opens. Click the '''CERTIFICATE REQUEST - ACTIVATION MENU''' link (Figure 32).
(Figure 32)
<u>Result</u>: A new screen opens displaying GENERATE CERTIFICATE KEYS - BEFORE LUXTRUST WEBSITE ORDER on the left side of the page
<u>'''Step 4</u>:'''
Configure your keystore (Figure 33).
(Figure 33)
a. <u>Select the keystore import method</u>
If you order the certificate for the <span style="background:yellow"> <u>'''very first time'''</u>  </span>, select '''Create a new keystore file''' option and indicate a keystore name.
In the case you have to <span style="background:yellow"> <u>'''renew'''</u>  </span> your certificate, you '''<u>must</u> '''select your '''curent keystore file''' by using the ''browse file'' or ''drag & drop'' feature to import it.
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : in both case, the new keystore will be generated in the configured download folder of your Web browser e.g.: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads'''</span>
- File name:  choose your keystore name, for example '''keystore.ks'''
- File type : .ks
b. <u>Password </u>
If you order the certificate for the <span style="background:yellow"> <u>'''very first time'''</u> </span>, you have to define a brand-new '''keystore password'''.
A confirmation is required
In the case you have to <span style="background:yellow"> <u>'''renew'''</u> </span> your certificate, e.g. its validity date expired, you <u>must</u> use the '''keystore password''' that had been created when you ordered the certificate for the '''very first time'''.
  <span style="color: #C00000">''' Important note : the keystore password has to be shared with all e-file users who have to transmit encrypted documents or decrypt feedback files received from the supervisory authorities. </span>.
  <span style="color: #C00000">''' Important note : if you loose your keystore password, you will have to generate a new key and order a new certificate. </span>
c. <u>Certificate request name (.csr)</u>
You have to define a name for the technical certificate request file required by Luxtrust, for example '''CertificateRequest.csr'''
  <span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the certificate request will be generated in the configured download folder of your Web browser e.g.: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads.'''</span>
- File name:  '''CertificateRequest.csr'''
- File type : .csr
<u>'''Step 5</u>:'''
Verify the Company information.  (Figure 34) :
(Figure 34)
The related fields will be pre-filled in with information we currently have in our system.  Feel free to make changes if necessary.
<u>'''Step 6</u>:'''
Click the '''Generate keys''' button. 
A window will pop up inviting you to download the Keystore file and Certificate Signing Request (Figure 35).
[[File:Keystore CSR download window.PNG|border|500px]]
(Figure 35)
You must click on each of the Download buttons in order to activate the OK button.<br>
Then click OK to clear the message window.
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Both keystore and certificate request files will be generated in the configured download folder of your Web browser e.g.: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads'''</span>
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the updated keystore will be generated with a new name as follows: <br>The name of the previous keystore + a timestamp displayed as yyyymm + onhold. <br><br>Example: oldname : MyKeystore.ks / new name : MyKeystore_202212_onhold.ks''' </span>
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : we advise you to back up the keystore.ks and CertificateRequest files.''' </span>
===  Finalize your LUXTRUST purchase order ===
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Before to start order in the Luxtrust website make sure that you have process the previous part (Key and Certificate Request generation). </span>
-Open the [https://www.easyssl.lu/?product=e-file LUXTRUST easy SSL e-file website].
-Browse to SSL Certificate section and click the E-FILE icon
[[File:Sans titre.png|50px]]
-Choose the period of validity of your certificate and click the ORDER E-FILE button.
-If you do not have a LUXTRUST easy SSL e-file account you have to get registered.
-Once registered, complete the whole order form, upload your '''CertificateRequest<span style="background:yellow">.csr </span>''' file, accept the TERMS AND CONDITIONS and click the PLACE ORDER button.
-Shortly afterwards, you will receive an e-mail from LUXTRUST confirming your purchase order.
-Please follow all instructions provided in the e-mail and its PDF attachment (Send signed PDF by post with all required documents to the address indicated inside, process the payment etc.)
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How do I activate (integrate) my LUXTRUST certificate into e-file ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The certificate file will be sent to the e-mail address you provided in your purchase order.
The extension of this file will be .txt, in order to prevent your firewall from blocking the attached file.
<u>'''Step 1</u>:'''
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note: save the file .txt on your computer workstation and <u>replace</u> the .txt extension by <span style="background:yellow">.cer </span>  </span>
Double-click the <span style="background:yellow"> .cer </span> file. You should be able to see your certificate as shown below (Figure 36):
[[File:Certif_Visu.jpg | 300px]]
(Figure 36)
<u>'''Step 2</u>:'''
  <span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the Luxtrust SSL certificate ordering and its activation have to be performed on the same computer workstation.</span>'''
Connect to [https://e-file.lu e-file.lu] with your [[E-file Administration|'''e-file administrator''']] credentials (adminXXX) and click the '''Administration module''' icon (Figure 37).
[[File:Administration module icon (Figure 2).png|400px]]
(Figure 37)
<u>'''Step 3</u>:'''
Click the '''Certificates ''' button (Figure 38).
(Figure 38)
<u>'''Step 4</u>:'''
(Figure 40)
<u>'''Step 5</u>:'''
Configure your keystore (Figure 41).
[[File:Certificate_activation_steps.png | 1000px]]
(Figure 41)
a. <u>Select the Group you need to use (by default Principal)</u>
b. <u>Import the keystore that was generated at the same time as the Certificate Signing Request</u>
(from previous step  )
c. <u>Enter the keystore password</u>
d. <u>Import the certificate you received from Luxtrust </u>
<u>'''Step 6</u>:'''
Click the '''ACTIVATE CERTIFICATE''' button.
A window will pop up and inform you that the activation has been done successfully.
Your keystore.ks is now updated. It contains your activated LUXTRUST certificate and your encryption keys.
[[File:AdminModule_15.png | 300px]]
'''Note''': The display and the position of the pop up may differ regarding the Web browser you are using
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the updated keystore will be generated in the configured download folder of your Web browser e.g.: C:\Users\xxx\Downloads.'''</span>
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the updated keystore will be generated with a new name : the name of the previous keystore + a timestamp displayed as yyyymm + completed.<br>Example: previous name : MyKeystore.ks / new name : MyKeystore_202212_completed.ks''' </span>
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : if you loose your keystore and/or its password,you will have to generate a new encryption key and order a new certificate. </span>.
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">What must I do with the keystore ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
===Manual file transmission===
The activated keystore, containing your LUXTRUST certificate and your encryption keys must now be provided to the workstations of each e-file user.
<u>'''Step 1</u>:'''
Open the Transmission module
[[File:Icon1.png | 300px]]
<u>'''Step 2</u>:'''
[[File:Keystore selection After(1).PNG| 600px]]
===Automatic file transmission===
In the case you are using the [[Sending_Service|Sending Service]] for automatic file transmission, the activated keystore.ks must be provided as well.
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I register my LUXTRUST certificate with the CSSF ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
For some reportings, the LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate used by the reporting entity must be registered with the CSSF, before sending any files, according to the registration procedure described in the '''[https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/Naming-convention.pdf#page=8 CSSF 23/833, naming convention part.]'''
The LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate must be registered with the CSSF for the below reportings:</br>
(list extracted from [https://www.cssf.lu/fr/transport-et-securisation/#specifications-techniques Transport et sécurisation via les canaux de transmission externes])
* COREP/FINREP reporting
* ESP – Special enquiries
* SIC – SICAR reporting
* PFS – Reporting PFS and support PFS
* EDP – Payment institutions reporting
* EME – Electronic money institution
* SGO – Management companies reporting
* OPC – Fund XML reporting (O1.2)
* DOC – Non-structured electronic documents (circ. 19/731)
* OTH – Other
* OCB – Other reportings for CSSF and BCL
* AIF – AIFM and AIF reportings
* SUF – XBRL reportings for subfund-based structured products (IORP)
* O4.x – Edifact report
[[Media:How to declare your Luxtrust certificate to the CSSF.pdf|=> e-file User Guide: CSSF Certificate registration]]
=== * S3 system ===
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<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How is the S3 digital key management in e-file ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
The CSSF has updated its submission methods to allow AIFMs to file specific regulatory reports via the CSSF’s API from 2nd November.
Please note, this is not the deadline to make the change, it is the point at which the new method is available to use. <br>
FE Fundinfo are ready to support you through the transition.
Your current setup in e-file will remain in place and only minor one-off changes are required from you to ensure the continuation of your existing functionality on e-file and future proof the communication method for all reporting and filing with the CSSF going forward.
<u>'''Explanation in context of AIFMD reporting</u>:'''<br>
See our online webinar for more explanations : [https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/7273286345756229380 November 21st webinar in English]  and the [https://c2rv804.na1.hubspotlinks.com/Ctc/ZO+113/c2RV804/VWQ8Fx5Hw7JyVdSL7w2rxckBW20x2Jc566MpmN31NNCl5nXHsW7Y9pgv6lZ3kLW8mzYxT1ZSlmLW7yCpDW2jmg69W73tZTZ5yBySkW7jL_zN8my412W9hGQQt71RszSVkgkWT3FF-R2W1VryJ67bk_NmW1RKWr345DTFjV1PBRM2KwkQsW4P0bYq6h4FhzW2Y0TlL8jm7QlW6N2qBz9lFm9yW1bNKCy1qGVgGW7dJWkQ8TTtG5N3kH6ptzC816W33qG8b10K_BtW8gQSgN4g3h5TW9h3bp34KXCJHV_q02d6BgPGWW5xJSX81p0bg6W8jK_6G221K5qW3_hsX93mN9kwW2RyrBr7f39YJW8v09kD7Cw1nxW37qD826JSxdcW4Rc7yD85pl3PW109fZz4mxLcHW26Y0Y03k4GNWW8zPXjF1t6bspW78yjPn71W4ftW8-MxR372T_w5V13CVl6qstVRW21LWhW2dlqL_W2Xs3ZP6K5mZ2W1THZsw1FrpXLW54G4QN27qB0BW3yXpwm7rd3qwW23mB7r301kH7W19MCT85QW6wbW218pPC2z-WjCVQRHvT30nLTNW1qM-sk29_0TFd2XXgW04 related presentation]
[https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2231697877960308483 Webinaire en français]
<u>'''Explanation in context of UCITS Cross-Border notification</u>:'''<br>
See our online webinar for more explanations : [https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2670031382955110830 December 12th webinar in English]  and the [https://445778.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/445778/FE%20fundinfo%20presentations/FSQ%20channel%20change_Webinar%2012%20December.pdf related presentation]
This new system works via a bucket system.<br>
There is one bucket for each filing context (i.e. Cross-border notification, AIFMD)<br>
The CSSF imposes a technical size limit for filing per bucket on 30 rolling days.<br>
Should you encounter any issue, feel free to contact us directly [[How to contact us|'''Client Support & Operations Desk''']] we will liaise with the CSSF.<br>
The below is a step-by step guide to appoint FE Fundinfo as a delegate within the CSSF’s eDesk platform, the easiest path to allow us to maintain our services. <br>
Once the set-up is complete you can continue to use your familiar eFile interface and do not need to interact with eDesk as this will all be channelled within your existing workflows in eFile.
To perform the set-up in eFile you have two options:
* You as IT expert import the S3 keys on eFile
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" >
<div class="mw-collapsible-toggle" style="float:left; margin-left:0; margin-right:1em;">'''Step by step guide for eDesk IT Experts to connect CSSF’S eDesk to FE Fundinfo’s eFile system''' <span style="color: #C00000">click to expand</span></div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{|border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
!'''Additional information'''
Step 1
Your entity’s appointed IT Expert will need to log into the IT Management
area of eDesk ([https://edesk.apps.cssf.lu/edesk-itmgt/s3/accesses here]). This must be using the same LuxTrust Device and
account that the IT Expert role was assigned to. Please note, that these
steps can only be implemented from the appointed IT Expert account
Step 2
Once logged in, go to the ‘S3 ACCESS DASHBOARD’ at the top of the page,
which will take you to a screen similar to the below
Step 3
Select ‘Create Access’
Step 4
This will provide you with an option to select a ‘scope’ which will be the
reporting type you have been appointed as IT Expert for and select create:
[[#Correspondance table|You can refer to our correspondance table]]
Step 5
This will create a line in the S3 access dashboard with the report type, the
status (this should show ‘Granted’) and the date of this creation.
Each report type generates 3 codes on eDesk, (the Bucket code, the Access
Key, and the Secret Key). To reveal these keys, click the magnifying glass
with a ‘+’ icon under the actions column (located on the far right of the
Step 6
This will reveal the information about the who the access has been granted to, when and what report it is for. It will also provide details of the unique codes specific to the entity, report type and individual.
Step 7
Once the Keys have been generated, keeping your connection to eDesk open, in another window, open your efile environment. Log in using the efile Admin account for your entity and open the ‘Keys Management’ tab.
Step 8
Select ‘Add Key’ on the far right of the screen
Step 9
A pop out will appear and provide you with several drop down lists to
complete. Under ‘Scope’ you should choose the report type that you are
providing the Keys for. In this instance AIFMD should be selected.
Step 10
Returning to eDesk, copy the Bucket code, the Access key and Secret key
and paste each of these into the applicable boxes on efile.

::===Correspondance table===
'''Please find the correspondence table of e-file and e-Desk scopes'''<br>
placeholder=Look for a keyword ?

{| class="sortable" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1"
|-  <div style="position:sticky;top:-1px;z-index:10">
! scope="col" | '''Label scope in e-file'''
! scope="col" | '''Label scope in e-Desk'''
! scope="col" | '''CSSF reference'''
! scope="col" | '''Deadline'''
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | Reporting AIFM
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | Reporting AIFM
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://www.cssf.lu/en/periodic-and-non-periodic-transmission-of-information-aifms/ Periodic and non-periodic transmission of information by AIFMs]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 30 June 2024
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | Cross-border marketing notifications
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | Cross-border marketing notifications
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/User_guide_notifications_CBDF.pdf User guide notifications CBDF]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 2nd January 2024
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | UCI Adminsitrator - Annual reporting
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | UCI Adminsitrator - Annual reporting
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/cssf22_811eng.pdf CSSF 22/811]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 30 June 2023
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | Quarterly survey of covered deposits (FGDL)
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | Quarterly survey of covered deposits (FGDL)
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/CSSF_CPDI_2440eng.pdf CSSF-CPDI 24/40]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 15 May 2024
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | SFDR - Precontractual disclosures
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | SFDR - Precontractual disclosures - SFO
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/User_Guide_-_SFDR_UCI_Precontractual_Data_Collection_-_practical-guide.pdf SFDR precontractual data collection]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 31 October 2023
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | SFDR - periodical disclosures
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | SFDR - periodical disclosures - SFPER
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/User_Guide_-_SFDR_UCI_Data_Collection_-_practical-guide.pdf SFDR UCI Data Collection]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 31 January 2024
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | EBA ITS standard reports
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | EBA ITS standard reports
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | [https://edesk.apps.cssf.lu/edesk-dashboard/r-public/procedures User Guide for XBRL reports - Bank prudential reporting]
| style="vertical-align:middle; color:#202122;" | 1st September 2024


<div style="width:35%; text-align: right;">
<big>'''Search by role :'''</big>
* Grant us with the IT expert role to  perform such changes for you
To start the process please send us an email to '''[mailto:cso.desk@fundsquare.net cso.desk@fundsquare.net]''' with both '''name''' and '''CSSF identification number''' of the entity you want we become IT Expert

<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" >
<div style="width:50%; margin: auto; text-align: center;">
<div class="mw-collapsible-toggle" style="float:left; margin-left:0; margin-right:1em;">'''Step by step guide on how to assign FE Fundinfo as a CSSF IT Expert on eDesk''' <span style="color: #C00000">click to expand</span></div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{|border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
!'''Additional information'''
Step 1
Log into [https://edesk.apps.cssf.lu/ eDesk] with the Advanced User account using your LuxTrust Device and Password. Please note that these changes can only be implemented from the Advanced User account
Step 2
Once logged in, go to the top right corner of the screen, click on your account user name, and select ‘Entity Management’
Step 3
Now select ‘Access Requests’ from the tabs at the top of the screen:
Step 4
As FEfundinfo will have made a request to connect from our Fundsquare account, you will see us on a list of users requests to connect with your entity. You will be able to identify our request as it will be with the LuxTrust SN: <span style="color: #C00000">100115278245548987357</span>
Step 5
Once you have identified the FE fundinfo request from our Fundsquare account, you can go to the far right of the screen and select ‘ACCEPT ACCESS’ or ‘REJECT ACCESS’. Remember to only
accept requests and provide access to users you are associated with. You will need to ‘ACCEPT ACCESS’ on our request:
Step 6
Once you have clicked accept, go to the ‘Specific roles within entity’ tab:
Step 7
Under the ‘Specific roles within entity’ tab, on the right of the screen, click the ‘Add’ button:
Step 8
You will now be able to click on the ‘User’ box and select a user within the list of approved users connected with your entity. One of these will be FE fundinfo’s Fundsquare account, select this option and the user details will populate automatically:
Step 9
Now you can select a role for that user, in this case you will need to select IT EXPERT for FE fundinfo in the drop down selection and click save on the top right to make the change
Step 10
You have now completed all you need to ensure continued use of efile and secure submission of your reports to the CSSF! FE fundinfo will do the rest and can now ensure that the changing transmission methods gradually introduced by the CSSF over the next 18 months are updated as needed without any impact on you

[[E-file_User|<span style="display: inline-block;
background-color: #009ACE;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw;
width: 20%;  height:10vh; 
border: none;  border-style: outset;  border-radius: 10px; 
padding: 0.5%;">
<br /><big>User</big><br /></span>]]
[[E-file_Administration|<span style="display: inline-block;
background-color: #009ACE;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw;
width: 20%;  height: 10vh; 
border: none;  border-style: outset;  border-radius: 10px; 
padding: 0.5%;  margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%;">
<br /><big>Administrator</big><br /></span>]]
[[Sending_Service_home|<span style="display: inline-block;
background-color: #009ACE;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw; vertical-align: bottom;
width: 20%;  height: 10vh; 
border: none;  border-style: outset;  border-radius: 10px; 
padding: 0.5%;">
<br /><big>Sending service</big><br /><big>manager</big></span>]]

::== Onboarding workflow map ==
''You can click on the picture.''
File:Wkf_S3_onboarding.png|center|1500px|alt=clickable image : form description| titre
rect 106 355 277 452 [[E-file_Administration#You_as_IT_Expert | You as IT Expert ]]
rect 776 541 947 630 [[E-file_Administration#FE_Fundinfo_as_IT_Expert |FE Fundinfo as IT Expert]]
rect 1024 376 1193 482 [https://edesk.apps.cssf.lu/edesk-dashboard/homepage?lng=en eDesk User Guide ]
rect 477 530 646 691 [https://www.cssf.lu/wp-content/uploads/Methods-of-transmitting-reports-via-S3-Application-Programming-Interface-Technical-guidance.pdf S3 transmitting method ]
desc none

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=== * general security questions ===
[[ProductCoverage|<span style="display: inline-block;
background-color: #79BCE8;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw;
width: 20%;  height: 10vh; 
border: none;  border-style: outset;  border-radius: 10px; 
padding: 0.5%;">
<br/><big>List of </big><br/><big>reports</big></span>]]
<span style="display: inline-block;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw; vertical-align: bottom;
width: 20%;  height: 11vh;  overflow: hidden;
border: none;  border-style: outset;  border-radius: 10px;
margin-left: 5.5%; margin-right: 5.5%;
[[File: ModulesIcon.png|text-bottom|170px|link=E-file_Modules]]</span>
<span style="display: inline-block;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw; vertical-align: bottom;
width: 20%;  height: 11vh;  overflow: hidden;
border: none; 

<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I change the local e-file administrator ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">

Each e-file administrator account is linked to a single email at a time.

<big>You have not found your answer : </big>
[[How to contact us|<span style="display: inline-block;
background-color: #009ACE;
color: white; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; font-size:0.8vw;
width: 20%;  height:auto; 
border: none;  border-style: outset;  border-radius: 10px; 
padding: 0.5%;">
Contact us</span>]]

2 cases :<blockquote>Either you have access to the account </blockquote>then change the email of the administrator by using the <b>administration module</b> and update the administrator account's owner (name, firstname). The new administrator will just have to request a new password.
<blockquote>Or you do not have access to the administrator account or to the email of this account (in which case you can always use the "forgotten password" button on https://www.e-file.lu) </blockquote>then for security reason you will have to follow this specific procedure:
Your request must be sent by email and paper mail.
The paper can be replaced by a fax to speed up the process  =>  '''Fax sending to 28 370 491'''.
<u>'''The request must be submitted on letterhead of your company and signed by a legal representative with the following information'''</u>:
*Administrator's login adminXXX
*The current email address which is linked to the administrator
*The new email address to link to the administrator
*A brief explanation of the reason why you need to change it
*Send your email to '''[mailto:cso.desk@fundsquare.net cso.desk@fundsquare.net]'''
Once Fundsquare has received and checked your request we will update your email and send you the procedure to update the password.
If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact our [[How to contact us|'''Client Support & Operations Desk''']].
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">What is the e-file password policy ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
[[File:Password.png|300 px]]
(Figure 42)
The password you will have to provide must follow the rules below:
*At least one upper and one lower case letter
*At least one number
*At least one special character from this list: ! # $ % & ( ) * + , . /: ; < = > ? ^ _ @ { | } [ ] ~
*At least 8 characters and at most 20
<u> Please note that </u>:
The validity of your password is not limited in time.
Our system blocks the user after 3 incorrect attempts and it is the e-file administrator who has to unblock the account.
Passwords are encrypted in our database and we do not keep them. You may re-use them.
== Being informed ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I get important information ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
As an administrator, you will received all significant information regarding e-file changes, maintenance or enhancement through the e-mail address set up onto your account.
You can also manage some alerts through e-file, see the notifications system.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show" data-collapsetext="Hide" style="width:60%; overflow:visible; >
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:2.5;">How can I get custom notifications ?</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Please be informed that you can receive alert by email triggered by specific events.
<u>Example</u> : Court orders sent by the Luxembourgish judicial police [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf13_566eng.pdf (=> CSSF - Circular 13/566)]
If you want to be notified by email each time the Luxembourgish judicial police sends you court orders, you have to follow the  steps below.
<u>'''Step 1'''</u>  : Connect to e-file with your user credentials : '''https://www.e-file.lu/e-file/'''
<u>'''Step 2'''</u>  : Select Update my profile
[[File:Select Update my profile.png |200 px]]
<u>'''Step 3'''</u>  : Verify that your email address registered in your e-file account is valid.
[[File:Your e-file account is valid.png |400 px]]
<u>IMPORTANT :</u>  if your email address is not valid, please ask your [[Administration#e-file_administrator_functions_.28e-file_v1.29|'''e-file administrator''']] to replace it by a valid one.
<u>'''Step 4'''</u>  : Select Customize your notifications.
[[File:Customize your notifications.png |200 px]]
<u>'''Step 5'''</u>  : Select group.
[[File:Select group555.png |400 px]]
<u>'''Step 6'''</u>  : Select the Alert type.
[[File:Notification.png |500 px]]
<u>IMPORTANT :</u> 
A green window will pop-up stating that the update has been saved.
<u>'''Optional Step 7'''</u>  : Receive only your alerts and not the group's ones.
Ticking also the group box, the sends from other users of the same reports group will be ignored.
[[File:Alerte Notification.png |500 px]]
[[Category: FAQ e-file]]

Latest revision as of 09:57, 24 September 2024

Page's last update : 24 Sep 2024

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