CRS Manual

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The Luxembourg Tax Authority (Administration des contributions directes (ACD)) published on 6 February 2017 the ECHA - n° 4 Circular. This Circular describes the format and procedures of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) that Luxembourg Reporting Financial Institutions (RFI) will have to follow according to the CRS Luxembourg law, 24 December 2015.

Manual filing through e-file v2


Step 1: Select your environment

Production environment :

Homologation environment (Test) :


Step 1: Enter your e-file login credentials (user name and password) and click the Access button


IMPORTANT: If you do not have an e-file user account or if you do not remember your password, you might contact your e-file administrator of your company.

Access CRS form

Step 1: Click on the Report Generation icon

Fatca ReportGen.jpg

Step 2: Select Formulaire CRS

Formulaire CRS.jpg

Step 3: Select CRS Reporting

Select CRS.jpg

Result: the CRS form opens

CRS 01.png

Complete CRS form

Contact tab

AEOI reference


  • This field has to be completed with a unique identifier.
  • The ACD recommends to use a "timestamp", a digital counter or a "GUID" (Globally Unique Identifier).
  • Specification examples: only capital characters (A-Z), number 0-9, must be unique, etc.
  • The ACD asks not to include confidential data in the identifying elements.

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 21-22.

Information on depositor

CRS Dep matricule.jpg

  • Depositor name (pre-filled): The Depositor is an entity (legal or natural person) that is in charge of filing the CRS reporting to the ACD (e.g. Service provider). The depositor and the declarer may be the same entity. Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 10.
  • Personal Identification Number (pre-filled): The Depositor needs a Personal Identification Number (Luxembourgish Matricule Number also known as CCSS code) to be able to file the report.

If the Depositor does not have a Luxembourgish Matricule Number, he has to contact the Bureau de la retenue d'impôt sur les intérêts to obtain one (Form 914F).

-by mail:

-by phone: Phone book_Bureau de la retenue d'impôt sur les intérêts

IMPORTANT: all pre-filled data have to be communicated to Fundsquare in order to be integrated in Fundsquare's database and to be available in the CRS form
Consult our Onboarding/Update process FATCA/CRS for more detailed information.
Send mail to:

Information on declarer

The declarer may be the RFI or an entity, e.g. a management company, managing the reporting from a business point of view.

The ACD needs contact details of a person who would be able to answer business questions regarding the report.

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 10

CRS Declarer Z.jpg

Reporting person

The Reporting Person is the Reporting Financial Institution (RFI) that is subject to the CRS Reporting.


  • Name of the reporting financial institution: Select the entity in the drop-down list for which the reporting has to be done.
  • Name: name of the RFI (pre-filled once the RFI has been selected)
  • Entity Identification number: The Identification number is the Luxembourgish Matricule number of the RFI (pre-filled once the RFI has been selected)
  • Entity Identification number extension: the extension of the Luxembourgish Matricule number (pre-filled once the RFI has been selected)

If a sub-entity wants to submit a CRS reporting to the ACD and does not have a personnel number, it puts the parent entity's number in the Entity Identification number field and an additional identifier in the Entity Identification number extension field. For example, a sub-fund that wants to report directly, can enter the umbrella number (= tax identification number available on the subscription-tax returns) in the Entity Identification number field and the sub-fund number (CSSF code of the sub-fund) in the Entity Identification number extension field.

IMPORTANT: instructions published on the ACD website should be followed in the event that the Luxembourg Financial Institution has no Luxembourgish matricule.

  • Reporting FI Identifier: It is the concatenation of the Identification Number and Identification Number Extension (pre-filled once the RFI has been selected).
IMPORTANT: all pre-filled data have to be communicated to Fundsquare in order to be integrated in Fundsquare's database and to be available in the CRS form
Consult our Onboarding/Update process FATCA/CRS for more detailed information.
Send mail to:

Header tab

Header tab.jpg

Information in the message header identifies the Competent Authority that is sending the message, as well as the Competent Authorities receiving the message. It specifies when the message was created and the nature of the report.

-Transmitting Country: should always be LU. This data element identifies the jurisdiction of the Competent Authority transmitting the message, which is the Competent Authority that has received the initial CRS message

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 28.

-Receiving country: should always be LU. This data element identifies the jurisdiction of the Competent Authority receiving the message, which is the Competent Authority that has sent the initial CRS message.

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 28.

-Warning: This optional data element is a free text field allowing input of specific cautionary instructions about use of the CRS Status Message.

-Contact: This optional data element is a free text field allowing input of specific contact information for the sender of the message (i.e. the Competent Authority sending the CRS Status Message).

-Message reference ID:

  • This field has to be completed with a unique identifier.
  • The ACD recommends to use a "timestamp", a digital counter or a "GUID" (Globally Unique Identifier).
  • Specification examples: only capital characters (A-Z), number 0-9, must be unique, etc.
  • The ACD asks not to include confidential data in the identifying elements.

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 21-22 and page 28.

Declaration type

Reporting period

Zero Reporting

A "ZeroReporting" message is a message stating that the Luxembourg reporting financial institution has no data to report for the relevant tax year.

Unlike FATCA, the ACD has decided that filing a "zero reporting" is not mandatory.

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 17

Step 1: Select Zero Report

CRS zero report.jpg

Result: the Message header opens



-The RFI should not declare any Account Report in a Zero Report.

-The Zero Reporting has to be filed to the ACD. It will not be communicated to a particular JSD ("Juridiction soumise à déclaration").

-The Zero Reporting will be rejected if the Luxembourg Financial Institution has already transmitted data via a new data message but this data has not been canceled via a correction message. All declared data must be canceled before sending a Zero Reporting. Otherwise, the error "80009" is returned.

Cf. ECHA - n° 4 of 6 February 2017, page 17

Export - import files - save work in progress


1. Click this button to export the final report in XML format. The file will be saved on your hard drive and is available for sending to the Regulator. This button will only be available if the green tick GreenIcon.png appears in every section of the completed form.

2. This button allows you to upload an existing XML report from your network or hard drive into the report generator.

3. Work in progress on a report has to be saved with this button. The exported .xml file will be called DRAFT_filename.xml and cannot be uploaded for filing. It can be imported onto the tool for later use. Only final reports will carry the correct naming convention for submission to the Regulator.

4.If green ticks GreenIcon.png appear in every section of the completed form, the Transmission button will become available.

File transmission

Setup of the e-file v2 encryption module v2

Step 1. Complete the form GreenIcon.png. 

Result: all ticks become green

CRS transmission.jpg

Step 2: Click the Transmission.png button.

Result: the EfileCrypto.jnlp file is generated.

IMPORTANT: this file has to be downloaded (if you use the application for the first time) locally on your computer and must be opened to launch the Encryption Module.

Note: the Encryption Module is a Java application. For security reasons, this module aims at encrypting documents before they are sent to authorithies. It is also used to decrypt documents and feedbacks.

Java version 1.7.55 is a prerequisite for the installation of the e-file v2 encryption module.

Step 3. Click the Open button of the EfileCrypto.jnlp file Jplg.jpg

Result: the window below opens


Step 4. Click the RunButton.png button


Result: the Encryption Module is launched


Important: It is possible that the pop-up blocker does not allow .jnlp files to be downloaded. Please ask your IT deparment to allow pop-ups from .

Step 5. The encryption module has to be configured when it is used for the first time (or after each Java update).

The path to the keystore has to be selected with the BrowseButton.png button and the key (locally or on a server) will have to be imported with the ImportButton.png button :


Once the key has been imported, the access to the keystore is memorized by the application.

In order to be more user friendly and to speed up the sending process, the encryption module will then run as a back ground process on your desktop.

If you need to end the process, right click on the icon in the taskbar and select “Close encryption module” :


Step 6. Return to the CRS Form (Report Generator) screen 
- Click the Transmission.png button
- Enter a "title of file sent" 
- Enter the keystore password

Result: as the configuration of the encryption module is finished, the General Tab of the Encryption Module will be displayed directly.

CRS Encryp.jpg


-the file name is automatically generated and compliant to the ACD file naming convention.

-the SendButton.png button is now available and the report can be sent. A pop-up window will confirm the transmission.

Error messages

Message: The process takes too much time. Please restart the encryption module.


The error message occurs when the encryption module is not started in time.

Please check that the pop-up are enable for the site

When clicking the "Transmission" button the file EfileCrypto.jnlp should be downloaded in order to launch the encryption module. You have to open this file with Java Web Start Launcher to run the module.

Message : Waiting files to transmit...


This error might occur when there is a connection problem between your proxy and the encryption module V2.

Close the encryption module :


Open the Java console (Cf. Encryption Module_6.8 Show the console in case of other Java issue) and check the logs.

If an error 407 appears, it means that the encryption module is not able to authenticate on your proxy.

As a consequence all communications with E-file are blocked.

In that case the solutions to resolve this problem are the following :

  • Add the group "NoAuthenticated exception group" to your proxy for
  • By-pass the proxy for the communication with

For more information please call the Helpdesk.

File transmission follow-up

Transmission status

Step 1: Click the Document management icon

DocMmgt icon.png

IMPORTANT: if the Document management icon is not available on your screen, you might contact your e-file administrator of your company, who will add the CRS - group to your e-file account.

Result: the Transmission follow-up screen of the Document management opens


Step 2: Select the Transmission period (From...To) and click the Search button

2 From To.jpg

Result: CRS XML files and their transmission status are displayed.

2CRS trans follow up.jpg

* "Transmitted" means that the report has been sent to the ACD.
* "Feedback Received" means that at least one feedback has been received. It also means that the ACD was able to read your report.
* "To validate" means that the report needs to be validated by the declarant on E-file V2. This is a really specific case.

View submitted reports and feedback files

Step 1: click on the blue Plus icon Plus icon.png at the right end of the row 

CRS view button.jpg

Result: a pop-up window opens displaying the Detail of sending

CRS detail of sending.jpg

  • CRSREP = Original report
  • FDBTEC = Technical feedback
  • FDBBUS = Business feedback

Step 2: Click the View button Loupe.png at the right end of the row 

CRS ViewDetails.jpg

Result: the EfileCrypto.jnlp file is generated

IMPORTANT: This file has to be downloaded locally on your computer and must be opened to launch the encryption module

Step 3: Click the Open button of the EfileCrypto.jnlp file


Result: a Java window opens


Step 4 : Click the RunButton.png button 


Result: the Encryption Module is launched


Step 5: Select the General tab of the Encryption module, enter your keystore password and click the download button


Result: the file will be downloaded.

IMPORTANT: if the encryption module takes too much time to be opened or if the file EfileCrpyto has not been executed, the following message will pop up and you will have to click one more time on the View button.


IMPORTANT: If it is the first time you are using the encryption module, you may be asked for the keystore location in the Configuration tab.

The keystore file (file with the extension .ks) contains your Luxtrust certificate and is protected with a password. If you do not have the keystore or its password, please contact your e-file administrator.

Automatic filing through the Sending Service

The Sending Service is Fundsquare's solution for automatically sending reports and documents to the authorities.

With a suitable network mapping, users can then simply copy the file to be sent in the appropriate directory.

The file is then automatically encrypted and sent.

CRS.xml files have to be dropped into the CRS subfolder:

CRS SD.jpg

  • Should you need further information on the Sending Service, please click the links below:

Sending Service Installation Procedure

Sending Service Update Procedure

Wiki-Sending Service

CRS file naming convention

The following naming convention has to be applied for the files:

XML file :

Code Definition Structure Values
<SEP> Separator of the different variables of the file. The separator chosen is the underscore: _. Char(1) underscore: _.
DateHeure Creation date and time of the XML file Number(14) YYYYMMDDhhmmss
MessageTypeIndic CRS701: The message contains new information

CRS702: The message contains corrections for previously sent information

CRS703: The message advises there is no data to report

Char(3)Number(3) CRS701



AnnéeFiscale Fiscal year Number(4) YYYY
Canal Communication channel Char(1) B = Bourse
MatriculeDuDéposant Social Security Identification Number (Matricule, code CCSS) Number(11) 0-9
MatriculeDuRFI Concatenation of <ReportingPerson> / <IdentificationNumber> and <ReportingPerson> / <IdentificationNumberExtension> Number(11), char(1), number(8) 12345678901M00000000
Environnement Environment type Char(1) P = Production

T = Test



VAL = Validated and imported by ACD

ERR = File rejected

Report transmission

File processing status generated by the Sending Service

During and at the end of the sending, the Sending Service generates various files in the subfolder that has been used for the sending. Three type of files are generated:

  • .trt file : indicates the start of the transmission

In order to be able to send the original file, the Sending Service transforms the latter into a .trt file and adds a timestamp. E.g. «OriginalName.xml» is transformed into OriginalName.xml.timestamp.trt:

.xml becomes


  • .acq file : the transmission has been successfully completed
  • .err file : indicates that an error has occurred during the sending

The error file contains technical messages indicating the root cause of the error, e.g. file name errors.

File transmission follow-up

Transmission status

How to correct, void or amend validated reports