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= Operating mode=
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The Transmission Module is a '''Java application''' automatically launched  through '''JavaWebStart''' by clicking a web page hyperlink.<br>
# Add one or several documents
JavaWebStart can also manage the automatic update if a new version of the module is available on the server.
# Fill the red-framed fields
# Send
<u>Main functionalities of the Transmission Module:</u>
*Encryption and decryption of documents
*Transmission of documents to supervisory authorities
*Keystore generation
*Certificate Request generation and activation

<span id="here"></span>

File:TransmissionModule_T.png|900px|alt=clickable image : form description| titre
circle 128 97 30 [[#here| Each item is explained by a tooltip ]]
circle 1105 27 30 [[#here| You enter in the transmission part ]]
circle 1000 51 30 [[#Keystore Selection| This leads to the keystore's setting part ]]
circle 386 359 30 [[#here| The red-framed fields must be filled ]]
circle 1119 589 30 [[#here| The send button will be available when all is right ]]
desc none

= System requirements =  
=== Keystore Selection ===
If you send reports through the e-file's historical channel (i.e. encrypted with keystore), your e-file local administrator should have provided you with the last activated keystore file.

e-file is compatible with all '''Windows''' and '''Mac Os''' versions.
# Click the settings button
# Click the Browse button and select your keystore
# Tick the 'Save keystore settings' to keep your change

The only real requirement, in addition to '''internet access''', is to have a <span style="color: #C00000">'''1.7''' </span> or above execution environment'''
[[File:ImportKeystore.png | 500px]]
This can be downloaded directly from [http://java.com Java official webpage], and following the default installation link.<br><br>

== Reporting services using www.e-file.lu ==

{|border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10" style="text-align:left; width=80%;"
It's done
! scope="col" | Additional information
! scope="row" | Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
|At least <span style="color: #C00000">'''Java version 1.7 or above''' </span> needs to be installed on each computer that needs to encrypt or decrypt data.
! scope="row" | Java web start enabled
| The Transmission Module is launched using '''Java Web Start''' which is part of the default installation of a JRE.
! scope="row" | Java settings
|[[Transmission Module#Java_settings_-_Control_Panel|General and Security level settings within the Java Control Panel]]
! scope="row" | Proxy, antivirus
| Your system (proxy, antivirus,...) must allow '''.jar''' and '''.jnlp''' files to be downloaded <br> The ports '''80''' (HTTP) and '''443''' (HTTPS) must be enabled<br>as well as those URLs : '''www.e-file.lu/WSEfileFlex''',  '''www.e-file.lu/WSEfile''',  '''www.e-file.lu/ECH'''
! scope="row" | Read and write access to e-file working folders
|The Transmission Module needs [[Transmission Module#Write rights|read and write access]] to e-file working folders.<br>Therefore, the keystore is imported by default in the "workdir" directory on the C:\ drive: '''C:\Users\<username> \efile\workdir'''.
! scope="row" | Adobe Flash Player
|Adobe Flash Player 10.2.0 or above has to be installed on your computer.
! scope="row" | Cookies
|Cookies have to be enabled <br> [https://www.whatismybrowser.com/guides/how-to-enable-cookies/ How to enable Cookies]
! scope="row" | Web browsers
| e-file is compliant with most current browsers.<br>Please call us if you have a particular configuration.
! scope="row" | Chrome <br> [[File:Icon Chrome.png | 75px]]
| The default installation of Chrome works correctly.
! scope="row" | Internet Explorer <br> [[File:logo_ie.jpg | 75px]]<br>
| (-) At least <span style="color: #C00000">'''Internet Explorer version 11''' </span> needs to be installed on your computer.
(-) 'Do not save encrypted pages to disk' [[Transmission_Module#Running_JNLP|has to be unchecked]].<br>
(-) 'Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins'  [[Transmission_Module#activeX|has to be enabled]].
<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''Warning (only e-file version 1, previous e-file portal): Particular case for IE8.''</small/> </span><br>
<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''A [[Transmission Module#fakepath|security setting]] needs to be changed directly in the browser.''</small/> </span>
! scope="row" | Firefox <br> [[File:logo_ff.jpg | 75px]]
| The default installation of Firefox works correctly <br>Please refer to the section : [[Transmission Module#FF3|Firefox and Safari compatibility]].
! scope="row" | Safari <br> [[File:logo_safari.jpg | 75px]]
| The default installation of Safari works correctly <br>Please refer to the section : [[Transmission Module#FF3|Firefox and Safari compatibility]].
== Luxtrust certificate ==
{|border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10" style="text-align:left; width=80%;"
! scope="col" | Additional information
! scope="row" | LuxTrust certificate order
| For encryption purposes, a Luxtrust SSL certificate is mandatory to use our services.<br>
To be able to order the certificate on Luxtrust’s webpage [http://www.easyssl.lu www.easyssl.lu] you need to use a modern browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE10 ...)<br>
NB : The certificate ordering procedure is not necessarily performed on an e-file workstation, <br>
it can be achieved on a different one or even a laptop (you just need to transfer the certificateRequest.txt file generated during the ordering).
= LUXTRUST certificate purchase order=
All reporting files transmitted to the supervisory authorities must be encrypted.
The only certificates authorised for the file encryption by the reporting entity are SSL certificates from the certification authority [https://www.easyssl.lu/?product=e-file LUXTRUST].
== Key and Certificate Request generation ==
Please be informed that during the next steps two files will be generated:
- the keystore file '''keystore.ks''' containing your new keys
- the certificate request file '''Certificate Request.txt''' containing a copy of your new keys. This file will be renamed to '''Certificate Request.csr''' and uploaded on LUXTRUST´s website during your purchase order.
[[Transmission Module#Finalize your LUXTRUST purchase order|=>Chapter 3.2 Finalize your purchase order of LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate]]
'''Step 1'''
  <span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the Luxtrust SSL certificate purchase order and its activation have to be performed on the same computer workstation.</span>'''
'''Step 2'''
Connect to [https://e-file.lu/ECH e-file v1] with your [[E-file Administration|'''e-file administrator''']] credentials (adminXXX)
'''Step 3'''
Click the link '''Certificate activation'''
'''Step 4'''
Click the link '''Generate encryption keys and a certificate request for your entity'''
'''Step 5'''
The form '''Generate keys and certificate request''' opens :
[[File:Form generate keys.png |350px]]
'''Step 6'''
Complete the form
a. <u>Password</u>
If you order the certificate for the '''very first time''', you have to define a brand-new '''keystore password'''.
  <span style="color: #C00000">''' Important note : the keystore password has to be shared with all e-file users who have to transmit encrypted documents or decrypt feedback files received from the supervisory authorities. </span>.
  <span style="color: #C00000">''' Important note : if you loose your keystore password, you will have to generate a new key and order a new certificate. </span>
In the case you have to '''renew''' your certificate, e.g. its validity date expired, you have to use the '''keystore password''' that had been created when you ordered the certificate for the '''very first time'''.
b. <u>Confirm</u>
Confirm the password
c. <u>Path of keystore</u>
Click the Browse button. A Save As dialog box opens. Complete the required information:
-Current directory:
If you order the certificate for the '''very first time''', select the folder where the keystore file will be stored.
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : please ensure that you have write access to this folder''' </span>.
We suggest using your personal folder: C:\Users\xxx\efile\workdir.
In the case you have to '''renew''' your certificate, you have to select your '''current''' and '''valid''' keystore.ks. Normally, the system remembers the path where it had been stored.
- File name:  choose your keystore name, for example '''keystore.ks'''
- File type : .ks
d. <u>Name</u>, <u>Department</u>, <u>Entity</u>, <u>City</u>, <u>State (USA only) </u>, <u>Country (ISO code) </u> should be completed as indicated in the above print screen.
e. <u>Path of request</u>
Click the Browse button. A Save As dialog box opens. Complete the required information:
- Current directory: select the folder where the Certificate Request file will be stored.
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : please ensure that you have write access to this folder''' </span>.
We suggest using your personal folder: C:\Users\xxx\efile\workdir
- File name:  '''CertificateRequest.txt'''
- File type : .txt
f. <u>Generate</u>
Click the '''Generate button'''.
A window will pop up and confirm that two files have been generated: '''keystore.ks''' and '''CertificateRequest.txt''' on  e.g. C:\Users\xxx\efile\workdir.
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : if you renew your certificate, please ensure that the modification date of your current kestore.ks has been updated. If it is not the case it is highly probable that Java has no write access to the folder where the keystore.ks is located ''' </span>
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : we advise you to back up the keystore.ks and CertificateRequest files.''' </span>
'''Step 7'''
LUXTRUST´s website where the Certificate Request file will be uploaded, only allows '''.csr''' file extension. Therefore, you must rename your CertificateRequest.txt as follows '''CertificateRequest.csr'''
==  Finalize your LUXTRUST purchase order ==
-Open the [https://www.easyssl.lu/?product=e-file LUXTRUST easy SSL e-file website].
-Choose the period of validity of your certificate (1 or 3 years) and click the ORDER E-FILE button.
-If you do not have a LUXTRUST easy SSL e-file account you have to get registered.
-Once registered, complete the whole order form and finalize your purchase order by uploading your '''CertificateRequest.crs''' file, accepting the TERMS AND CONDITIONS and clicking the PLACE ORDER button.
-Shortly afterwards, you will receive an e-mail from LUXTRUST confirming your purchase order.
-Please follow all instructions provided in the e-mail and its PDF attachment (Send signed PDF by post with all required documents to the address indicated inside, process the payment etc.)
==  Activation of your LUXTRUST certificate ==
The certificate file will be sent to the e-mail address you provided in your purchase order.
The extension of this file will be .txt, in order to prevent your firewall from blocking the attached file.
'''Step 1'''
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note: save the file .txt on your computer workstation and replace the .txt extension by .cer </span>
Open the .cer file. You should be able to see your certificate as shown below:
[[File:Certif_Visu.jpg | 300px]]
'''Step 2'''
  <span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : the Luxtrust SSL certificate ordering and its activation have to be performed on the same computer workstation.</span>'''
Connect to [https://e-file.lu/ECH e-file v1] with your [[E-file Administration|'''e-file administrator''']] credentials (adminXXX)
'''Step 3'''
Click the '''Certificate activation''' link
[[File:Certif_Activation1_EN.jpg | 600px]]
'''Step 4'''
Click the '''Activate the certificate''' link.
[[File:Activate certif.png| 600px]]
'''Step 5'''
A dialogue box '''Activate certificate''' opens
[[File:Certif_Activation3_EN.jpg | 600px]]
'''Step 6'''
Complete the required information
Enter your keystore password
<u>Path of certificate</u>
Select your certificate file ('''.cer''')
Click the Activate button.
A window will pop up and inform you that the activation has been done successfully.
Your keystore.ks is now activated. It contains your LUXTRUST certificate and your encryption keys.
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : we advise you to back up the activated keystore.ks and its password''' </span>
<span style="color: #C00000">'''Important note : if you loose your keystore and/or its password,you will have to generate a new encryption key and order a new certificate. </span>.
==  Deploying the keystore ==
The activated keystore, containing your LUXTRUST certificate and your encryption keys must now be provided to the workstations of each e-file user.
[[Transmission Module#Installing a new e-file workstation|=> Installing a new e-file workstation e-file v1 and e-file v2]]
'''Sending Service'''
In the case you are using the Sending Service for your automatic reporting transmission, the activated keystore.ks must be provided as well.
[[Sending_Service|Wiki-Sending Service]]
= Registration of your certificate with the CSSF =
For some reportings, the LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate used by the reporting entity must be registered with the CSSF, before sending any files, according to the registration procedure described in the CSSF 08/334.
The LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate must be registered with the CSSF for the below reportings:
- FINREP (CSSF circular 08/344)
- COFREP (CSSF circular 08/344)
- ESP (Special enquiries; CIRCULAR CSSF 08/344)
- PFS reporting (Other professionals of the financial sector; CIRCULAR CSSF 08/369)
- SICAR (Sociétés d´investissement en capital à risque)
- Bank Reporting (CIRCULAR CSSF 10/457; CIRCULAR CSSF 15/624)
- Management companies (CIRCULAR CSSF 10/467)
- Payment institutions (CIRCULAR CSSF 11/511)
- Electronic money institutions (CIRCULAR CSSF 11/522)
- OTHER reporting
- AIFMD reporting (CIRCULAR CSSF 14/581)
[[Media:ManuUtil EFile CSSF Certificate registration EN.pdf |=> e-file User Guide: CSSF Certificate registration - General]]
[[Media:ManuUtil EFile CSSF Certificate registration AIF EN.pdf |=> e-file User Guide: CSSF Certificate registration - AIFMD]]
= Installing a new e-file workstation =
Installing a new e-file workstation is '''quick and easy'''
== Installation of e-file v1 workstation ==
Connect to [https://e-file.lu/ECH e-file v1] with your '''user credentials.'''
Click the link '''Configure my workstation security settings.'''
Click the '''Configure my workstation security''' link at the top right of home page, then on '''Import''' link  (Point 2 in new window)
Enter your keystore '''Password''' (password you use each time you send encrypted files via the Transmission Module) <br>[[File:import3.9_EN.jpg]]
Click the first ''' Browse'''  button and select the '''valid''' keystore file (.ks) of your company ('''Path of keys to be imported''')
Click the second '''Browse''' button and select the drive and folder where the keystore will be stored ('''Full path to target keystore''').
Please ensure that you have write access to this folder. By default, we suggest to use your personal folders ex: C:\users\xxx\efile\workdir.
Once the folder selected, you have to enter the '''File name''' of your destination keystore file. We strongly advise you to use the same name you used for the source file.
Click the ''''Import'''' button.
A window will pop up and confirm that the keystore.ks has been imported.
== Installation of e-file v2 workstation ==
The Transmission Module has to be configured when it is used for the first time (or after each Java update).
Connect to [https://e-file.lu/e-file e-file v2] with your '''user credentials.'''
The path to the keystore has to be selected with the [[File:BrowseButton.png | border]] button and the key (locally or on a server) will have to be imported with the [[File:ImportButton.png |border]] button :
[[File:2tmm.png | 500px]]
Once the keystore.ks has been imported, the access to the keystore is memorized by the application.
In order to be more user friendly and to speed up the sending process, the Transmission Module will then run as a background process on your desktop.
If you need to end the process, right click on the icon in the taskbar and select “CloseTransmission Module” :
[[File:2Tmet.png |250 px]]
== Managing Alerts ==
To be informed easily and as soon as possible, the e-file user can receive an alert message when a particular event occurs for himself or for his user-group (eg a new envelope has been received or a new procedure has been created).
There are two types of configurable alerts. <br>
When specific events occurs, an information message may appear on the '''e-file home page''' or a '''mail''' can be sent to the address associated to the user account
Configuring alerts is available by clicking the button on the homepage : <br>
[[File:GestAlerte01en.jpg | border | 800px]]
The screen below shows all the events that can trigger an alert.<br> 
[[File:Gestalerte02en.jpeg| border  | 800px]]
The first table is used to configure alerts to be sent to the email address associated to the user account<br>
The second allows configuration of alerts to be displayed on the E-file home page once you're logged in.
To respond more quickly, it is recommended to check the box'' 'Receiving an envelope''' to be notified when a new enveloppe is created for you in E-file.
The check-boxes of "Ignore the alerts of the group" column allows to activate only the alerts that apply to your own user account and ignore the events initiated by other members of your user-group.
= Manual file transmission =
Our Transmission Module allows you to submit reports and documents to Luxembourg authorities.
== How to access the Transmission Module ==
Step 1: Select your environment
Production environment : '''https://www.e-file.lu/e-file/'''
Homologation environment (Test) : '''https://homologation.e-file.lu/e-file/'''
Step 2: Enter your e-file login credentials (user name and password) and click the Access button
<u>Important</u>: If you do not have an e-file user account or if you do not remember your password, you might contact your [[E-file Administration|'''e-file administrator''']] of your company.
Step 3: Double-click the Transmission Module icon:
<u>Result</u>: the EfileCrypto.jnlp file is generated
[[File:Jplg.jpg|250 px]]
<u>Important</u>:  the '''.jnlp''' file has to be '''downloaded''' locally on your computer and must be '''opened''' to launch the '''Transmission Module'''.
<u>Note</u>: the '''Transmission Module''' is a Java application. The Transmission module aims at encrypting documents before they are sent to authorithies. It is also used to decrypt documents and feedbacks.
[[Transmission Module#System requirements|=> System requirements]]
Step 4: Click the Open button of the EfileCrypto.jnlp file [[File:Jplg.jpg|250 px]]
<u>Result</u>: the window below opens
[[File:JavaEfileWindow.png | border]]
Step 5: Click the [[File:RunButton.png | border]] button
[[File:JavaEfileWindow.png | border]]
<u>Result</u>: the Transmission Module is launched
[[File:2tm.png| 400px]]
==  Transmission tab ==
The Transmission tab has to be used if your file / document is ready to be submitted to the supervisory authority.
===  How to submit documents/reports to regulators ===
-Select the Transmission tab of the Transmission Module
-Select the [[#Filing types|Sending type]]
-Enter the Sending subject
-Enter the Description
-Click the Upload button and upload your file or drag & drop your file in the middle of the window (=>drag & drop files here)
-Enter your Keystore password
-Check if all fields are completed
-If the Control light becomes green you can click the Send button
[[File:2tm.png| border | 400px]]
=== Special case: UCI attestation request ===
-Select the Transmission tab of the Transmission Module
-Select the Sending type: CSSF attestation
-Enter the Sending subject
-Enter the Description
-No file has to be attached
-Enter your Keystore password
-Check if all fields are completed
-If the Control light becomes green you can click the Send button
[[File:2tm.png| border | 400px]]
=== Sending types ===
{| border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
! scope="col" | '''Sending type'''
! scope="col" | '''Reporting'''
! scope="col" | '''Example'''
! scope="col" | '''Detailed information'''
|<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''Internal <br /> technical <br /> business ID''</small/> </span>
||Mifir reporting
||<small> TAFREP </small/>
|| <small> TAFREP-B00000001-2017-04-15-123456.xml </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/MAF/MIFID/TAF_Handbook.pdf <small> CSSF - TAF Handbook </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 71'' <br /> ''wkf 111''</small/> </span>
||<small> ANTREF <br /> ANTT1M <br /> ANTT2M <br /> ANTT2Q </small/>
||<small> ANTREF_201801_LUB00999_20180205-001.xml <br />  ANTT1M_201801_LUB00999_LUB00999_20180205-001.xml <br /> ANTT2M_201801_LUB00999_LUB00999_20180205-001.xml <br /> ANTT2Q_201803_LUB00999_LUB00999_20180405-001.xml </small/> <br />
||[http://www.bcl.lu/fr/reporting_reglementaire/Etablissements_credit/AnaCredit/Instructions/AnaCredit_Technical_specifications.pdf <small> BCL - Reporting instructions </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 74'' <br /> ''wkf 122'' </small/> </span>
||FINREP report
||<small> B2.4 <br /> B2.5 </small/>
||<small> FRCREP-B9999-2007-12-B24-L2-L-N--B24.XML <br /> FRCREP-B9999-2007-12-B24-L2-L-N--.zip </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small> Naming convention for CSSF reportings </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 73'' <br /> ''wkf 86''</small/> </span>
||Reporting EDIFACT
||<small> B4.4 (Credit institutions) </small/>
||<small> B0001809.T01 </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/SOC_Banques_OPC/Edifact_R_1003.pdf  <small> (-) CSSF - Reporting instructions Edifact B4.4 </small/>] <br /> [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small> (-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 73'' <br /> ''wkf 86''</small/> </span>
||COREP report
||<small> COFREP </small/>
||<small> COFREP-B00000999-2014-03-CCOREP-00-L-N-S-CCOREP.xbrl <br /> COFREP-B00000999-2014-03-CCOREP-00-L-N-S.zip </small/>
||[https://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/Recueil_banques/Reporting_requirements_final_090218.pdf <small> (-) CSSF - Reporting requirements for credit institutions</small/>] <br /> [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small> (-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 72'' <br /> ''wkf 85''</small/> </span>
||Credit institution reporting
||<small>AR: Annual Report <br /> CO: Compliance Report <br /> GR: Governance Report <br /> IA: Internal Audit Report <br /> IC: ICAAP <br /> LF: Long Form Report <br />ML:ManagementLetter <br /> RC: Risk Control Report <br /> RP: Recovery Plan <br /> SC: Single Customer View </small/>
||<small> DOCREP-B00000998-00000000-0000-2009-12-31-AR-DE-0000.pdf </small/>
[https://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf15_624eng.pdf <small> (-) CSSF - Circular 15/624</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf10_457eng.pdf <small> (-) CSSF - Circular 10/457</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small> (-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 27'' <br /> ''wkf 92''</small/> </span>
||BCL statistics
||<small> S0.1; S1.1; S1.4; S1.5; <br /> S1.8; S1.9; S2.5-L; S2.5-N; <br /> S2.8; S2.9-L; S 2.9-N; S3.2</small/>
||<small> S0001_L1_20130616_B000000999_B000000999_20130617_001.xml  </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Etablissements_credit/Statistiques-bancaires-et-monetaires/Instructions/Electronic_transmission_CIS_EN.pdf <small> (-) BCL - Manual of electronic transmission for statistical reports of banks </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 13'' <br /> ''wkf 96''</small/> </span>
||Security by security Banks
||<small> TPTBBL; TPTBBN; TPTBHR; TPTBHN </small/>
||<small> TPTBBL_L4_201804_B000000999_B000000999_20180617_001.xml </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Etablissements_credit/Statistiques-bancaires-et-monetaires/Instructions/Electronic_transmission_CIS_EN.pdf <small> (-) BCL - Manual of electronic transmission for statistical reports of banks </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 20'' <br /> ''wkf 97''</small/> </span>
||Payments balance
||<small> BOP </small/>
||<small> BOP101_20130616_B000000999_B000000999_20130617_001.xml  </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Etablissements_credit/Statistiques-bancaires-et-monetaires/Instructions/Electronic_transmission_CIS_EN.pdf <small> (-) BCL - Manual of electronic transmission for statistical reports of banks </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 12'' <br /> ''wkf 105''</small/> </span>
||CSSF enquiry
||<small> ESPREP </small/>
||<small> ESPREP-B0999-2008-06-STT.xls </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small> (-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 15'' <br /> ''wkf 78''</small/> </span>
||EDP report
||<small> EDPREP </small/>
||<small> EDPREP-Z9999-2011-03-Z11-L0-L-N--.xls </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/en/supervision/payment-institutionselectronic-money-institutions/legal-reporting/instructions/ <small>(-) CSSF - Reporting instructions</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small>(-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 29'' <br /> ''wkf 109''</small/> </span>
||EME report
||<small> EMEREP </small/>
||<small> EMEREP-W9999-2011-03-W11-L0-L-N--.xls </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/en/supervision/payment-institutionselectronic-money-institutions/legal-reporting/instructions-electronic-money-institutions/ <small>(-) CSSF - Reporting instructions</small/>] <br /> [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small>(-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 34'' <br /> ''wkf 110''</small/> </span>
||Data payment collection (CDP)
||<small> V1.1 - V1.14 </small/>
||<small> V0101_L2_201601_W000000003_B000000999_20160201_001.xml </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/payment-systems/Regulation-2011_9_EN/nomenclature_noms_fichiers_20160725_127.pdf <small>BCL - File name convention</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 36'' <br /> ''wkf 74''</small/> </span>
||Reporting U
||<small> U1.1 </small/>
||<small> U11REP-B00000012-O00008450-00000002-201512-RAP-1421893257541.xml </small/>
||[https://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf15_627eng.pdf <small> (-) CSSF - Circular 15/627</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/SOC_Banques_OPC/naming.convention.u11.pdf <small> (-) CSSF - File naming convention U1.1 reporting</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 8'' <br /> ''wkf ''</small/> </span>
||Reporting Sicar
||<small> SICREP </small/>
||<small> SICREP-B999999-K999990000-2008-06-K31-L0-L-N.xls </small/>
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf08_376_eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Circular 08/376</small/>] <br /> 
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf15_627eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Circular 15/627</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/SOC_Banques_OPC/naming.convention.u11.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - File naming convention U1.1 reporting</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small>(-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 17'' <br /> ''wkf 112''</small/> </span>
||Management letters CSSF 09/423
||<small> Management letters (ML) =>PDRREP <br /> Other auditor report (RR) =>DOCREP </small/>
||<small> PDRREP-O000001234-2018-01-15-ML.pdf <br />  DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-RO-EN-0000.pdf </small/>
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf09_423eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF 09/423</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 82''</small/> </span>
||Long forms CSSF 09/423
||<small> Long Form reports (LF) =>PDRREP <br /> Other auditor report (RR) =>DOCREP </small/>
||<small> PDRREP-O000001234-2018-01-15-LF.pdf <br />  DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-RO-EN-0000.pdf </small/>
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf09_423eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF 09/423</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 81''</small/> </span>
||08/371 FIS prospectus
||<small>SIF: <br />
(-) Prospectus (PC) <br />
(-) Simplified prospectus (PS) <br />
(-) Offering document (DE) <br />
(-) Letter of explanation (LE)</small/>
<small> DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-PC-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-PS-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-DE-EN-0000.pdf </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/> ]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 83''</small/> </span>
||08/371 UCI prospectus
||<small>UCI: <br /> (-) Prospectus (PC) <br /> (-) Simplified prospectus (PS) <br /> (-) Letter of explanation (LE)</small/>
<small> DOCREP-O00004321-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-PC-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000004-0001-2018-01-15-PS-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000004-0001-2018-01-15-LE-EN-0000.pdf </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/> ]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 84''</small/> </span>
||08/371 FIS report
||<small>SIF:  <br /> (-) Annual Report (AR) <br /> (-) Semi-annual report (SR) <br /> (-) Letter of explanation (LE) <br /> (-) Other periodic report (RO) <br /> (-) Movements in the securities portfolios (PM)</small/>
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-ARR-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-SR-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-LE-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-RO-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00001234-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-PM-EN-0000.pdf </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/> ]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 87''</small/> </span>
||08/371 report
||<small>UCI: <br /> (-) Annual Report (AR) <br /> (-) Semi-annual report (SR) <br /> (-) Letter of explanation (LE) <br /> (-) Other periodic report (RO) <br /> (-) Movements in the securities portfolios (MP)</small/>
DOCREP-O00004321-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-AR-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000004-0001-2018-01-15-SR-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000004-0001-2018-01-15-LE-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-RO-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000004-0001-2018-01-15-PM-EN-0000.pdf <br /> </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/> ]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 89''</small/> </span>
||Management regulation/status
||<small> (-) DOCREP MR: Management Regulations of UCITS (MR) <br /> (-) DOCREP AI: Articles of Incorporation of UCITS (AI) </small/>
DOCREP-O00004321-00000014-0001-2018-01-15-MR-EN-0000.pdf <br />
DOCREP-O00004321-00000004-0001-2018-01-15-AI-EN-0000.pdf </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/> ]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 108''</small/> </span>
||Key investor document
||<small> Key Investor Information Document </small/>
||<small> DDOCREP-O00009876-00000004-0008-2018-01-15-KI-EN-0000.pdf  </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf11_509eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF 11/509</small/>] <br /> [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Metier_OPC/Transmission_electronique_des_documents__PRIIPs_KID_.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Document transmission <br /> Circulars 08/371, 09/423, 11/509</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 106''</small/> </span>
||CSSF attestation
||[[Efile_Migration#Request_a_CSSF_attestation|<small> CSSF attestation request </small/> ]]
||<small> - </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 21'' <br /> ''wkf 104''</small/> </span>
||AIF Reporting
||<small> AIFREP </small/>
||<small> AIFREP-P12345678-A00000001-F00000000-000000000-MAN-20140129145000.zip  <br />  AIFREP-P12345678-A00000111-V00002222-00003333-AIF-20140129145000.zip </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf14_581.pdf <small> CSSF - Circular 14/581</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 54'' <br /> ''wkf 24''</small/> </span>
||Management company report
||<small> SGOREP </small/>
||<small> SGOREP-S9999-2009-03-G21-L2-S-N--.xls </small/>
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf10_467eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Circular 10/467</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf15_633eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Circular 15/633</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small>(-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 26'' <br /> ''wkf 95''</small/> </span>
||PSF report
||<small> PSFREP </small/>
||<small> PSFREP-P9999-2008-03-P11-L1-L-N--.xls </small/>
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf05_187eng.pdf <small>(-) CSSF - Circular 05/178</small/>] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/en/supervision/pfs/ <small>(-) CSSF - PFS</small/>]] <br />
[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small>(-) Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 18'' <br /> ''wkf 94''</small/> </span>
||Titrisation vehicles
||<small> S2.14 <br />  S2.15 <br /> TPTTBS </small/>
||<small> S0214_L1_201412_T000000999_T000123001_20150120_001.xml <br /> S0215_L1_201412_T000000999_T000123001_20150120_001.xml <br /> TPTTBS_L1_201412_T000000999_T000123001_20150120_001.xml <br />
[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Legal-Framework/documents_national/circulaires_bcl/_circulaires/2014/Circulaire_2014_236/Circular_BCL_2014-236_EN.pdf <small>(-) Circular 2014/236</small/>] <br /> [http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Vehicules_de_titrisation/Instructions/Electronic_transmission_SVS_EN.pdf <small>(-) BCL - Reporting instructions S2.14, S2.19, TPTTBS</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 23'' <br /> ''wkf 98''</small/> </span>
||Issuing companies reporting
||<small> S2.16 <br /> S2.17 </small/>
||<small> S0216_L1_201406_DSE0003524_DSE0003524_20140720_001.xml <br />  S0217_L1_201406_DSE0003524_DSE0003524_20140720_001.xml </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Societes_financieres/Instructions/Electronic_transmission_FC_EN.pdf <small> (-) BCL - Reporting instructions S2.16, S2.17, TPTIBS </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 35'' <br /> ''wkf 90''</small/> </span>
||Reporting securities by securities of issuing companies
||<small> TPTIBS </small/>
||<small> TPTIBS_L1_201406_DSE0003524_DSE0003524_20140720_001.xml </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Societes_financieres/Instructions/Electronic_transmission_FC_EN.pdf <small> (-) BCL - Reporting instructions S2.16, S2.17, TPTIBS </small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 35'' <br /> ''wkf 90''</small/> </span>
||Rapport narratif (CAA) (Companie) - <br /> Governance Re
||[[CAA Manual#Filing of XBRL Solvency II reports and Narrative reports (no source files)|<small> VN01; N02; N03; N04; N07; N08; N09; N10 <br /> '''no source files'''</small/>]]
||<small> N01V-LU-01-20160331-CAA-LEIDéclarant-LEIDéposant.xbrl </small/>
||[http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/Circ15_10.pdf <small> (-) Circulaire 15/10</small/>] <br /> [http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/CAA-FNC_v103-2.pdf <small> (-) File naming convention</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 62'' <br /> ''wkf 64''</small/> </span>
||Rapport narratif (CAA) (Réviseur) - <br /> Governance Rep
||[[CAA Manual#Filing of XBRL Solvency II reports and Narrative reports (no source files)|<small> N05; N06 <br /> '''no source files'''</small/>]]
||<small> N05V-LU-01-20160331-CAA-LEIDéclarant-LEIDéposant.xbrl
||[http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/Circ15_10.pdf <small> (-) Circulaire 15/10</small/>] <br /> [http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/CAA-FNC_v103-2.pdf <small> (-) File naming convention</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 62'' <br /> ''wkf 63''</small/> </span>
||Solvency II Reporting
||[[CAA Manual#Filing of XBRL Solvency II reports and Narrative reports (no source files)|<small> XBRL Solvency II reports <br /> '''no source files'''</small/>]]
||<small> S01V-LU-01-20160331-CAA-LEIDéclarant-LEIDéposant.xbrl</small/>
||[http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/Circ15_10.pdf <small> (-) Circulaire 15/10</small/>] <br /> [http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/CAA-FNC_v103-2.pdf <small> (-) File naming convention</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 62'' <br /> ''wkf 44''</small/> </span>
||FATCA sending
||<small> [[FATCA_Manual|FATCA]] </small/>
||<small> FATCA_20150520080022_F0_2016_B_1970010112345_006M8M.00000.LE.442_P.xml </small/>
[http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/echa3-sans-tc-2017-01-19.pdf <small> (-) Circulaire ECHA - n° 3 du 19 janvier 2017</small/>] <br /> [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/echanges_electroniques/FATCA.html <small> (-) ACD-FATCA</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 60'' <br /> ''wkf ''</small/> </span>
||CRS report
||<small> [[CRS Manual|CRS]] </small/>
||<small> CRS_20170615114523_CRS701_2016_B_19751234567_01234567890M00000000_P.xml </small/>
||[http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/echanges_electroniques/CRS_NCD.html <small>(-) ACD-CRS</small/>] <br /> [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/fr/archive/newsletter/2017/nl_06022017.html <small>(-) Newsletter 06/02/2017</small/>] <br /> [http://www.impotsdirects.public.lu/content/dam/acd/fr/legislation/legi17/ECHA4.pdf <small>(-) ECHA-n°4 06/02/2017</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 68'' <br /> ''wkf ''</small/> </span>
||OTHER reporting (=> CSSF)
||<small> OTHREP  </small/>
||<small> OTHREP-B9999-HELLO_WORLD.xlsx </small/>
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/transport_securisation_reporting/Convention_de_nom.pdf <small>Naming convention for CSSF reportings</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 19'' <br /> ''wkf 93''</small/> </span>
||Various correspondence (OTH)
||<small> OTXREP  </small/>
||<small> OTXREP-B0nnn-BOP_IDE_2015_B0nnn_20160615_001.xls </small/>
||[http://www.bcl.lu/en/Regulatory-reporting/Etablissements_credit/Balance-des-paiements-et-position-exterieure-globale/Reglements_circulaires_lettres-circulaires/Lettres_circulaires/ST_16_0282_FDI_2015.pdf <small>BCL Reporting Instructions</small/>]
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 22'' <br /> ''wkf 93''</small/> </span>
||Non LU UCI registration'''
||<small> KIID, prospectus, FactSheet... </small/>
||<small> KIIDOC-2017-12-21-EN-LU-2017-12-21-IE0012345678-12121212.pdf  </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 30'' <br /> ''wkf 107''</small/> </span>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5'' <br /> ''wkf 73''</small/> </span>
||SIAG (03/108)
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 71''</small/> </span>
||Management company end
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 80''</small/> </span>
||Modification société gestion
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 70''</small/> </span>
||Modification group UCI
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 69''</small/> </span>
||Modification UCI
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 68''</small/> </span>
||Agrément société de gestion
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 67''</small/> </span>
||UCI agreement'''
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 66''</small/> </span>
||08/371 report not in 08/371
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 5 and 1'' <br /> ''wkf 66''</small/> </span>
||Envoi de documents à la CSSF
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 1'' <br /> ''wkf 79''</small/> </span>
||Notification 2002/77
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<small> tbd </small/>
||<span style="color: #868686"> <small>''bus 1'' <br /> ''wkf 72''</small/> </span>
== Configuration tab ==
The Transmission Module has to be configured when it is used for the first time or after each Java update.
[[File:2tmm.png | 400px]]
The path to the keystore has to be selected with the [[File:BrowseButton.png | border]] button and the key (locally or on a server) has to be imported with the [[File:ImportButton.png |border]] button. The access to the keystore will be automaticaly memorized by the application <br/>
In order to be more user friendly and to speed up the sending process, the Transmission Module will then run as a background process on your desktop.
If you need to end the process, right click on the icon in the taskbar and select “Close Transmission Module” :
[[File:2Tmet.png |250 px]]
== General tab ==
'''The General tab has to be used in the following cases:'''
<u> '''Case 1''': </u>
'''(-) Transmission of all reportings that have been generated by our [[ReportGeneration|Report Generation module]] and transmitted through the [[ReportGeneration#File transmission|Transmission button]] available in the form.'''
[[ReportGeneration#List of all reportings that can be created manually with our Report generator|=> List of all reportings that can be created manually with our Report generator]]
<u> '''Case 2''': </u>
'''(-) Transmission of replies to source files initiated by the supervising authorities'''
{| border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
! scope="col" | '''Report <br /> naming convention'''
! scope="col" | '''Detail'''
! scope="col" | '''Supervising authority'''
! scope="col" | '''Circular'''
! scope="col" | '''e-file User Guide'''
||SPJ||<u>Replies to </u> '''Notification and execution of court orders'''<br />646REP <br /> 663REP <br /> 664REP
||[http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf13_566eng.pdf Circular 13/566]
||[[Transmission_follow-up#How_to_reply_to_court_orders_issued_by_investigating_judges_of_Luxembourg|How to reply to court orders issued by investigating judges of Luxembourg]]
||<u>Replies to </u> to U11 ('''Global Feedback''')
||[https://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf15_627eng.pdf (-) CSSF - Circular 15/627] <br /> [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Lois_reglements/Circulaires/Hors_blanchiment_terrorisme/cssf12_540eng.pdf (-) CSSF - Circular 12/540] <br /> [http://www.cssf.lu/fileadmin/files/Reporting_legal/SOC_Banques_OPC/naming.convention.u11.pdf (-) CSSF - File naming convention U1.1 reporting]
||[[Transmission_follow-up#How_to_reply_to_U1.1_Global_feedback|How to reply to U1.1 Global feedback]]
||<u>Replies to </u>'''source files''' received from the CAA
||[http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/Circ15_10.pdf  (-) Circulaire 15/10] <br /> [http://www.caa.lu/uploads/documents/files/CAA-FNC_v103-2.pdf (-) File naming convention]
||[[CAA_Manual|Wiki-CAA Manual]]
= Solving the most common problems =
== Java settings - Control Panel ==
(1) Open the Java Control Panel
(-) Launch the Java Control Panel on '''Windows'''
-Launch the Windows Start menu
-Click on Programs (All Apps on Windows 10)
-Find the Java program listing
-Click Configure Java to launch the Java Control Panel
(-) Launch the Java Control Panel on '''Mac''' (10.7.3 or above)
-Click on Apple icon on upper left of screen
-Go to System Preferences
-Click on the Java icon to access the Java Control Panel
=== General tab ===
(2) Configure the Java temporary files settings as indicated on the printscreen below:
[[File:KeepTemporatyFiles.png | 500 px]]
=== Security tab ===
(3) Configure the Java security settings as indicated on the printscreen below:
[[File:Exeption Site List.png | 500 px]]
=== Advanced tab ===
In case of Java error messages, we strongly recommand to enable your computer's Java Console.
The Java Console provides information about the Java version, user home directory, and any error messages that may occur.
<u>'''How to enable Java Console in Control Panel:</u>
1. Click '''Start'''.
2. Select '''Settings'''.
3. Select '''Control Panel'''.
4. Double click the '''Java''' icon.
5. Click the '''Advance''' tab.
6. Click on the '''+''' sign
7. Select '''Show Console''' and click '''Apply'''.
The console will be launched at the first Java call and display all application logs.
'''<u>Note</u>: We invite you to send us these logs as plain text copied / pasted into an e-mail'''.
<span id="warnSIGN">  </span>
== First use warning ==
The messages below are security warnings which mainly popup during the first use of e-file.
[[File:warnSign_1_en.jpg | 400 px]]
[[File:warnSign_2_en.jpg | 400 px]]
Select the checkbox label '''Always trust content form this publisher''' to prevent these warnings to appear every time you use the Transmission Module.
<br style="clear:both;" />
<span id="fakepath">  </span>
== IE 8 Configuration - Fakepath Problem==
Version 8 of Internet Explorer do not allow to retrieve the full path of a document when it is selected from the local file system.
You may receive the below Alert:
[[File:FakePath_en.jpg|600 px]]
1. In '''Internet Explorer 8''', navigate to '''Tools > Internet Options'''.
2. On the '''Security''' tab, select a network zone.
3. Click '''Custom Level'''.
4. Scroll down to the '''Include local directory path when uploading files to a server entry'''.
5. Select '''Enable'''.
6. Click '''OK''' and click '''Apply'''.
<br style="clear:both;" />
<span id="compression">  </span>
== Reporter is blocked==
The message below is generated if your LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate has not been registered with the CSSF.
[[File:reporterisblocked.bmp|250 px]]
For some reportings, the LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate used by the reporting entity must be registered with the CSSF, before sending any files, according to the registration procedure described in the CSSF 08/334.
The LUXTRUST e-file SSL certificate registration must be applied to the below reportings:
- FINREP (CSSF circular 08/344)
- COFREP (CSSF circular 08/344)
- ESP (Special enquiries; CIRCULAR CSSF 08/344)
- PFS reporting (Other professionals of the financial sector; CIRCULAR CSSF 08/369)
- SICAR (Sociétés d´investissement en capital à risque)
- Bank Reporting (CIRCULAR CSSF 10/457; CIRCULAR CSSF 15/624)
- Management companies (CIRCULAR CSSF 10/467)
- Payment institutions (CIRCULAR CSSF 11/511)
- Electronic money institutions (CIRCULAR CSSF 11/522)
- AIFMD reporting (CIRCULAR CSSF 14/581)
[[Media:ManuUtil EFile CSSF Certificate registration EN.pdf |=> CSSF Certificate registration - General]]
[[Media:ManuUtil EFile CSSF Certificate registration AIF EN.pdf |=> CSSF Certificate registration - AIFMD]]
== Write rights ==
The Transmission Module requires '''read AND write access''' on the '''e-file directory''' in order to run properly. <br>
[[Error messages list#compression|These error messages]] reflect access problems.<br>
<u>How to retrieve the path of your e-file directory</u>:
1. Connect to [https://e-file.lu/ECH e-file v1]
2. Click the link '''Configure my workstation security'''
3. Click the link '''Configure the encryption module'''
4. A Java windows opens, click '''Browse'''
5. The path of the '''e-file directory''' will be written here :
[[File:eFileDirectoryEN.png| 800px ]]
In order to get '''read AND write access''' on the '''e-file directory''', please follow the steps below:
'''Right click on the e-file directory > properties ... > disable the checkbox label 'Read Only''''
If your internal security allows that action, you must also adapt your user rights to all '''e-file sub-directories'''.
<u>'''Note'''</u>: If you are not allowed to perform such an action, we invite you to contact your IT department so that they can do it for you.
<br style="clear:both;" />
<span id="FF3"> </span>
== Firefox and Safari compatibility==
Like IE8, Firefox version 3 and the Safari browser don't retrieve by default the full path of a document when it is selected from the local file system<br>
Unlike the Microsoft browser, Firefox and Safari do not allow the user to modify the security settings by himself. <br>
We have adapted our application for this particular case by replacing the 'browse' button by a simple text field.<br><br>
'''To join a document to an envelope, the user has to copy/paste the whole path of the file in this text field'''<br><br>
<u>PC Example</u> : ''C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Desktop\[myFile].[myExtension]''<br>
<u>MAC Example</u> : ''/users/[myUser]/Desktop/[myFile].[myExtension]''<br>
<br style="clear:both;" />
<span id="jnlp">  </span>
== Running JNLP ==
As the Transmission Module is based on ''Java Web Start'', it is mandatory that the '''JNLP''' files are properly supported by Java.<br>
'''This association is automatically set up when installing [http://www.java.com Java]''', but sometimes a specific Internet Explorer option may prevent it to run properly.
1. In '''Internet Explorer''', navigate to '''Tools > Internet Options'''.
2. Select the '''Advanced''' tab.
3. Scroll down to '''Do not save encrypted pages to disk'''.
5. Disable the checkbox label '''Do not save encrypted pages to disk'''.
6. Click '''OK''' and click '''Apply'''.
<span id="activeX">  </span>
<br style="clear:both;" />
== Running ActiveX==
The Transmission Module needs the '''ActiveX controls and plug-ins''' to be enabled.
'''This association is automatically set up when installing [http://www.java.com Java]''', but sometimes a specific Internet Explorer option may prevents it to run properly.
1. In '''Internet Explorer''', navigate to '''Tools > Internet Options'''.
2. On the '''Security tab''', select a network zone.
3. Click '''Custom Level'''.
4. Scroll down to the '''Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins'''.
5. Select the checkbox label '''Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins'''.
6. Click '''OK''' and click '''Apply'''.
==Error message: Waiting files to transmit...==
[[File:Icon17.png| 600 px]]
This message might occur when there is a connection problem between your '''proxy''' and the '''Transmission Module'''.
Close the Transmission Module :
[[File:2Tmet.png |250 px]]
[[Transmission_Module#Show the console in case of other Java issue|Activate the Java Console]], try to resend your files and check the logs.
If an '''error 407''' appears, it means that the Transmission Module is not able to authenticate on your proxy (407 Proxy Authentication Required)
As a consequence all communications with e-file are blocked.
In that case the solutions to resolve this problem are the following :
By-pass the proxy for the communication with:
==Error message: The process takes too much time==
[[File:ErrorTransmission.png| border | 600 px]]
The error message occurs when the Transmission Module could not be launched in time.
<u>Please ensure that</u>:
(-) Your system (proxy, antivirus,...) allows '''.jar''' and '''.jnlp''' files to be downloaded
(-) The ports '''80''' (HTTP) and '''443''' (HTTPS) are enabled
(-) your proxy by-passes the communication with:
= Teamviewer =
Click the link below in order to get remote assistance:
[http://www.e-file.lu/download/TeamViewerQS.exe (-) Get remote assistance '''Windows''' compatible executable]
[http://www.e-file.lu/download/TeamViewerQS.zip (-) Get remote assistance '''MAC''' compatible executable]
<br style="clear:both;" />
= KeyTool =
KeyTool is an independent Java software which can be '''downloaded''' by clicking the link below:
[http://www.e-file.lu/download/KeytoolIUI.zip '''=> Download KeytoolIUI.zip'''].
To open it, double click on '''keytooliui.jar'''
[[File:Keytool.jar.png| 180 px]]  ➡️  [[File:Keytool manage view.png| 500 px]]
== Why to merge two keystores ==
While renewing a Luxtrust certificate, the Transmission Module sometimes creates a new keystore file instead of amending the existing one. This happens when the existing keystore is not selected during the keys generation.
The new keystore then allows all E-file functionnalities. However, documents encrypted with or for one of your old certificates cannot be opened.
This article explains how to merge two keystores.
== How does a keystore work ==
Keystore is a Java technology that keeps an history of your certificates like a stack. It is a small file which extension is ".ks" and contains a list of certificates.
Every certificate contains a public key but also a private key which is protected by a password (symbolized [[File:cleJaune1.jpg]]). The keystore access is protected by a password as well (symbolized [[File:cleNoire1.jpg]]). '''The private key password and the keystore password must always match''', thus [[File:cleJaune1.jpg]]= [[File:cleNoire1.jpg]]. For this reason make sure to always use the same password while handling the keystore.
During encryption or decryption, the Transmission Module will browse the different keystore's certificates in order to find the associated private key. That's why it's better to have all your company's certificates inside the same keystore.
On the previous sketch, the certificate D has been inserted in a new keystore (keystore 2). For convenience reasons, we prefer putting it in the other keystore (keystore 1) at the top of the pile.
== How to merge two keystores ==
The merging of two keystores is done thanks to an independent Java software called KeyTool which can be downloaded at the following link : [[http://www.e-file.lu/download/KeytoolIUI.zip]].
To open it, double click on '''keytooliui.jar'''.
Follow all the steps to import public and private key from a certificate to another.
*Select "Import private key from other keystore" as shown on the above printscreen (step 1)
*Click on the two icons in the "Source" section in order to select the keystore containing the certificate to import (step 2). The source keystore corresponds to Keystore 2 of the "How does a keystore work" section sketch.
*Do the sane for the target section that selects the keystore on which import the certificate (step 3). The target keystore corresponds to the Keystore 1 of the of the "How does a keystore work" section sketch.
*Click OK (step 4)
*Select the certificate (that contains the private key) of the source keystore that you desire to import, input its password in the specific field at the bottom of the window.
Click OK<br/>
Input the name of the new private key that will be generated in the target keystore. The naming convention is :
'''cleprivalid_''' + incremented number. <br/><br/>
'''As an example''', if the target keystore contains already 4 certificates, it has the following entries :
The new key name will be cleprivalid_5.<br/><br/>
*Input the password that will be associated to the new key. '''Warning : it must be the same as the other private key's password of the target keystore''' (the one of the keystore). Confirm password.
*Click Ok
The following window appears to indicate the success of the import. When clicking Ok you will see the target keystore content that should contain the imported certificate.

Revision as of 15:34, 19 September 2024

Page's last update : 19 Feb 2024

  1. Add one or several documents
  2. Fill the red-framed fields
  3. Send

Each item is explained by a tooltipYou enter in the transmission partThis leads to the keystore's setting partThe red-framed fields must be filledThe send button will be available when all is rightclickable image : form description

Keystore Selection

If you send reports through the e-file's historical channel (i.e. encrypted with keystore), your e-file local administrator should have provided you with the last activated keystore file.

  1. Click the settings button
  2. Click the Browse button and select your keystore
  3. Tick the 'Save keystore settings' to keep your change


It's done