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<div style="text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;">[[Welcome_to_e-file_and_Fundsquare_FAQ|Home page ]][[File:Home.png|Return homepage|link=Welcome_to_e-file_and_Fundsquare_FAQ]]</div>
<small>''Page's last update : {{REVISIONDAY2}} {{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} {{REVISIONYEAR}}''</small>

e-file is a communication platform for the transmission of data, documents and regulatory and statistical reports between financial institutions and the Luxembourg authorities.<br>
e-file.lu is a joint initiative of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and its subsidiary Fundsquare.<br>
These pages have been created to allow you to quickly get an overview of e-file services as well as answers on frequently asked questions.<br>
To facilitate and optimize your search, we offer <b>different inter-related access points:</b>
<div style="text-align: center;">

{| border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10"
|[[ProductCoverage|'''Product Coverage''']]
[[File:RepIcon.png|40 px|link= ProductCoverage]]
|[[ProductCoverage|<div style="text-align: left">
placeholder=Look for a keyword ?
- All '''reports''' that can be sent through e-file]]
|'''[[E-file_User|<br /> Using e-file ]]'''
[[E-file_User#First_Connection|<div style="text-align: left">- First Connection]]</div>
[[E-file_User#e-file_password_policy|<div style="text-align: left">- Password Policy]]</div>
[[E-file_User#Alert_notifications|<div style="text-align: left">- Receive '''alerts''' and notifications]]</div>
[[E-file_User#Configuration_of_keystore|<div style="text-align: left">- Set up the '''keystore''']]</div>
[[Onboarding|<div style="text-align: left">- '''Onboarding''' page]]</div>
|[[E-file Modules|'''e-file Modules''']]
[[File:Efl2.png|70 px|link=E-file Modules]]
| <div style="text-align: left">
- [[Transmission_Module|Transmission Module]]
- [[ReportGeneration|Report Generation]]
- [[Transmission_Monitoring|Transmission follow up<br>]]
- [[Document_Library|Document Library]]
- [[UCITS_Cross-Border_Notifications|UCITS crossborder notifications<br>]]
- [[Registration_and_distribution_matrix|Registration and distribution matrix]]
- [[E-file_Static_Data_Management|Static data management<br>]]

|'''[[Error_messages_list|Error messages]]'''
[[File:4error.jpg|40 px|link=Error_messages_list]]
|[[Error messages list|<div style="text-align: left">
- Solving most common error messages - ''updated 06/2023'']]</div>
|'''[[E-file Administration|e-file  <br /> Administration module]]'''
[[File:2Iad.png|40 px|link=E-file Administration]]
[[E-file_Administration#Create_a_new_e-file_user|<div style="text-align: left">- Create a '''new e-file user''']]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#Assign_groups_and_profiles_to_users|<div style="text-align: left">- Manage '''permissions''' : groups and profiles]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#LUXTRUST_certificate_purchase_order|<div style="text-align: left">- LUXTRUST '''certificate''' purchase order]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#Activation_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate|<div style="text-align: left">- Activation of your LUXTRUST certificate]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#Registration_of_your_LUXTRUST_certificate_with_the_CSSF|<div style="text-align: left">- '''Registration''' of your LUXTRUST certificate with the CSSF]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#Deploying_the_keystore|<div style="text-align: left">- Deploying the keystore]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#S3_digital_key_management_in_e-file|<div style="text-align: left">- '''S3''' key management]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#Change_of_administrator_in_e-file|<div style="text-align: left">- Change the e-file '''administrator''']]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#e-file_password_policy|<div style="text-align: left">- Password policy]]</div>
[[E-file_Administration#Alert_notifications|<div style="text-align: left">- Receive alerts and notifications]]</div> 
|'''[[Sending Service|Sending Service]]'''
[[File:Folder.png|40 px|link=Sending Service]]
[[Sending_Service|<div style="text-align: left">- version within java - historical one ]]</div>
[[Sending_Service_java-less_version|<div style="text-align: left">- java-less version - new 09/2023]]</div>
|'''[[Communications_EN|Last communications]]'''
[[File:LastInfo.png|50 px|link=Communications_EN]]
|[[Communications EN|<div style="text-align: left">
- Retrieve our last communications]]
|'''[[How to contact us|How to contact us]]'''
[[File:Contact us.jpg|80 px|link=How to contact us]]
|[[How to contact us|<div style="text-align: left">
- How to contact us]]

File:FAQ_home.png|center|800px|alt=clickable image : form description| FAQ home page
rect 170 68 390 229 [[E-file_User |You are a user ]]
rect 658 229 445 70 [[E-file_Administration|You are an administrator]]
rect 726 76 937 223 [[Sending_Service_home | You manage a sending service]]
rect 174 331 384 489 [[ProductCoverage | List of the "e-file managed by" reports]]
[[Category: FAQ e-file]]
rect 448 328 666 488 [[E-file_Modules | Search by the module you are using ]]
rect 718 326 989 482 [[Error_messages_list | The known errors and their solution]]
rect 947 625 679 561 [[How_to_contact_us | We can help you]]
desc none

Revision as of 10:02, 12 September 2024

Page's last update : 12 Jan 2024

You are a userYou are an administratorYou manage a sending serviceList of the "e-file managed by" reportsSearch by the module you are usingThe known errors and their solutionWe can help youclickable image : form description