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= e-file administrator functions =
The e-file administrator has specific rights:
* Reset password of user accounts
* Lock/ unlock user accounts
* Create new user accounts
* Assign groups to user accounts
* Manage user profiles
* Assign groups to the Sending Service user
* Subscribe the Sending Service user to alerts
* Order and renew the company's Luxtrust certificate
= Create a new e-file user =
'''Step 1:'''
Connect to [https://e-file.lu e-file.lu] with your [[E-file Administration|'''e-file administrator''']] login (adminXXX) and click the '''Administration module''' icon (Figure 1).
(Figure 1)
'''Step 2:'''
Click the '''Users''' button (Figure 2)
(Figure 2)
'''Step 3:'''
The '''Users list''' screen opens. Click the '''Create a user''' button
'''Step 4:'''
The '''Create a user''' window pops up. Complete the form as shown in the figure below and click the '''Create''' button.
'''Step : 5'''
Go back to the '''Users list''' screen. Move the mouse over the user you just created. Five icons will appear allowing  to perform the following actions:
Action 1: Edit user settings
Action 2: Force password change. If you press this icon, an email is sent to the user with a web-link to reset his password.
Action 3: The user is locked. Please be informed, that a new user will automatically be unlocked when he logs in for the first time.
Action 4: Lock the user.
Action 5: Delete the user.
[[File:Users list.png|900px]]
== Sort functions in the Users List ==
The '''Login''', '''Name''', '''Email''' and '''Last connection''' columns can be sorted (A to Z or smallest number to largest).
If you want to sort the ''' Name'''  column from A to Z or Z to A, click directly on ''' Name'''  on the top of the column. The direction of the arrow shows whether the sort is ascending or descending.
== Filter functions in the Users List ==
If you want to display in the '''Users List''' only the users to whom the '''Group FATCA''' and the profile '''Manager''' have been assigned, you have to select the filter criteria as shown in the figure below and press the '''SEARCH''' button.
= Assign groups and profiles to users =
'''Step : 1 '''
Open the '''Users list''' screen (see screen above) and click the '''Edit''' icon of the user to whom you want assign [[ProductCoverage|'''groups''']] and a specific [[E-file_Administration#New_e-file_user_profiles_.28e-file_v2.29 |'''profile''']].
'''Step : 2 '''
The '''User details''' screen opens. Click the '''Groups''' icon.
'''Step : 3 '''
The '''User details / Groups''' screen opens.
Select the [[ProductCoverage|'''groups''']] and [[E-file_Administration#New_e-file_user_profiles_.28e-file_v2.29 |'''profile''']] you want to assign and click the '''ADD A GROUP''' button [[File:AddGroup.png|100px]].Once you have added the groups and selected the profile, click the '''Save''' button.
Please be informed that you can find detailed information on all groups on our Wikipage [[ProductCoverage|'''Product Coverage''']]; column <u>e-file user account: "groupe"</u>.
If a user has to send '''COREP reportings''' to the CSSF, the e-file administrator must assign the <u>group</u> '''Rapport COREP''' and the <u>profile</u> '''Manager''' to the user.
==User profiles ==
=== Administrator / Administrateur ===
The Administrator profile allows the e-file administrator to order and activate LuxTrust certificate(s), manage user accounts, groups, user profiles, lock and un lock user account.
=== Guest / Visitor ===
* The Guest can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).<br>
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).<br>
* The Guest cannot submit reports or documents via e-file.
===Manager / Responsable===
* The Manager can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).<br>
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).<br>
* The Manager can submit reports linked to his group(s) via e-file.
===Operator / Opérateur===
* The Operator can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).
* The Operator submit reports linked to his group(s) to validation by a Validator.
===Validator / Valideur===
* The Validator can consult the information or documents of his affected group(s).
* He can access the follow up tools and open the documents linked to the group(s).
* He validates or rejects reports awaiting for validation linked to his group(s).
= Sending Service management =
Select the '''Users''' tab of the '''Administration module''' and press the '''Sending Service Management''' button. The '''Sending Service List''' opens.
1. '''Status''': the green check mark indicates that the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] is active.
2. '''Login''': it is the login of the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] user.
3. '''Last connection''': date of the last connection of the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] to e-file.
4. '''Version''': when you move the mouse over the '''i''' (=information), the name of the latest [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] version available pops up.
5. The number indicates the '''Sending Service version''' of your current [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] . If you want to '''update''' your Sending Service press the download button [[File:DownloadButton.png|60px]] and download the latest Sending Service version with our [[Sending_Service#Installation_with_Sending_Service_Installer|'''Sending Service installer''']].
6. If you want to close a [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] account, press the lock icon [[File:DesactivateSD.png|20px]] '''Deactivate'''.
7. '''Group''' filter function in the '''Sending Service List'''
If you want to display in the '''Sending Service List''' only the Sending Services to which the '''Group FATCA''' is assigned, you have to select '''FATCA''' in the drop down list and press the '''SEARCH''' button.
8. Click the '''Edit groups''' [[File:EditGroupSD.png|20px]] icon to get more detailed information on the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] user.
== Assign groups and subscribe to alerts ==
If you want to submit COREP reportings through the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']], you have to assign the group COREP to your Sending Service.
Please follow the steps below:
Step 1:
Select the '''Users''' tab of the '''Administration module''' and press the '''Sending Service Management''' button. The '''Sending Service List''' opens.
Step 2:
Click the '''Edit groups''' icon [[File:EditGroupSD.png|20px]] of the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] to which you want to add the COREP group.
The '''Change groups of Sending Service''' page opens.
All '''Groups''' assigned to the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] are listed here '''(1)'''.
The only possible '''Profile''' value for a [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']]  is "Sending Service" '''(2)'''.
If the '''Alerts''' checkbox is checked [[File:Tick.png|20px]] '''(3)''', it means that the [[Sending Service|'''Sending Service''']] will receive '''replies''' (= feedbacks) from the regulator.
These '''replies''' will be dropped automatically into the [[Sending_Service#Sending_progress_and_follow_up|'''replies''']] respective Sending Service folder.
Step 3:
Press the [[File:EditButton.png|50px]] button.
The '''Details''' page of your Sending Service to which you want the COREP reporting opens in '''Edit mode'''.
Step 4:
Click the '''ADD A GROUP''' icon [[File:AddGroup.png|100px]], select the group you want to assign, click the '''SUBSCRIBE''' to Alerts button and '''VALIDATE''' your changes.
In the case you have to delete a group, click the '''cross''' (Delete).
=Forgot your e-file administrator password?=
For security reasons, we are not allowed to reset administrator passwords without following a specific procedure.
Your password reset request must be sent by email and paper mail. The paper can be replaced by a fax to speed up the process  =>  '''Fax sending to 28 370 491'''
<u>'''The request must be submitted on letterhead of your company with the following information'''</u>
* administrator's login adminXXX
* Email address which is linked to the administrator
* A brief explanation of the reason why you need to change it
* Send your email to '''[mailto:cso.desk@fundsquare.net cso.desk@fundsquare.net]'''
The email must come from the administrator stated above and include all information specified in the fax.
If the administrator has left the company, the fax has to be signed by a legal representative of the company.
Once Fundsquare has received and checked your request, we will send you an email with your new temporary password.
<u>'''IMPORTANT NOTE:'''</u> The temporary password has to be changed within 7 days upon receipt.
If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact our [[How to contact us|'''Client Support & Operations Desk''']].
= e-file password policy =
[[File:Password.png|300 px]]
The password you will have to provide must follow the rules below:
* At least one upper and one lower case letter
* At least one number
* At least one special character from this list: ! # $ % & ( ) * + , . /: ; < = > ? ^ _ @ { | } [ ] ~
* At least 8 characters and at most 20
<u> Please note that </u>:
The validity of your password is not limited in time.
Our system blocks the user after 3 incorrect attempts and it is the e-file administrator who has to unblock the account.
Passwords are encrypted in our database and we do not keep them. You may re-use them.
[[Category: FAQ e-file]]

Latest revision as of 12:00, 22 August 2024

Obsolete page