How to contact us

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Page's last update : 15 November 2022

Technical support

The Client Support & Operations Desk team stays available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to assist you or answer any technical questions concerning the use of the different Fundsquare / e-file services.

Feel free to contact us directly by phone or sending an e-mail following the below recommendations to fasten the response delay.

Client Support & Operations Desk

Phone +352 28 370 211

How to describe a problem

The e-mail is a good way to get rapid assistance to a specific problem.
Therefore we invite you to :

  • Explain the situation as precisely as possible : what do you want to do ? which module are you using ? which username are you using ? what are you doing when the problem occurs ?
  • Join to your request some screen shots showing the error messages encountered
  • Ensure you send as much information as possible : system, java and web browser versions, using citrix or not, if there have been changes on your side, are you the only person affected ? ,...
  • In case of a sending service problem, please send us the .err file, the .properties file and the log\wrapper.log

Linked web sites